chapter 17: Moving out and moving on

Start from the beginning

"Holy shit. What did you guys say to each other?"

I told her everything from the moment we bumped into each other to the very ending of the party. She was even more shocked than I was especially at the fact that we kissed and he had invited me out to dinner.

"Gosh, he is one persistent man and I love it. So what time is the dinner?" She asked. By now she was eating her breakfast.

"I don't know if I'm going. It's all too much."

"Why not?" She asked, a bit confused.

"I don't want to be labeled as Ian's newest bimbo when the camera lights catch us together. It's all too much - I'm not looking for that kind of attention Carr, " I explained, dropping my fork to the plate.

"Come on Nessa, you can't live in fear of what people will think or say. Deep down if it's something you want to do, do it."

I sighed. "I'm not sure. At the end of the day, opinions matter regardless. I'm not completely over Blake and to be seen with L.A's newest bachelor is just a bit out of character for me. Tell me you understand where I'm coming from."

"I do but you're overthinking here. No one has to notice you."

I blew out a breath and reached for my tea. "There's a chance they might, " I inserted calmly.

"This Ian sounds fun and I know even though you might not want to admit it, you had fun in Vegas. Have dinner with him, just don't let him convince you to marry him, " she grinned at the last bit and I laughed.

"Ok, noted. I'll go along and see how it goes. Come on, let's start packing some of these things into my car. I'm gonna call the delivery van."

It was four in the evening when I was done moving everything. My mom called earlier and I told her I had moved. While she was surprised, I informed her it was last minute so she didn't get really upset. She had decided to stop by about an hour ago to help Carrie and I unpack.

"Well everything is coming together nicely, " she said, hands akimbo while her gaze traveled the room. "Just a little more feminine touch here and there. I can't believe you got this apartment at such a cheap price."

"Ethan is a great guy, " Carrie interjected, flopping down on the sofa.

"It would seem so. Vanessa Darling, I'd imagine you'll be taking a day off this week. Your weekend has been long and exhausting and I can see you're weary."

I drew a hand across my forehead. "I doubt I will but maybe."

"Still, it paid off. The pastries were a delight at Simone's party and I received several compliments on your behalf. I was proud, " she smiled.

"Thanks, mom."

"And what a party it was - absolutely wonderful. I believe the real shocker of the night though was Gregory's secret child, wow."

Carrie and I immediately glanced at each other. I swallowed. "Yeah."

"Quite good looking but I imagine he's just as cold and spoilt as the others, " she said, shaking her head.

I cleared my throat. "Maybe not. He obviously didn't grow up in the spotlight so he might be different."

Mom scoffed. "But how long will it take him to be consumed by it. I imagine it won't be long seeing he's in control of not one but two of Gregory's biggest businesses."

"Really? Which ones?" Carrie beamed.

"Matrix and Hollingsworth Enterprises."


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