Pricing Pannels 2: Fullbody Art Giveaway (OPEN)

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Hey people!
This is the second giveaway I'm doing for my panels. If your new to this and want more info on why I'm doing this check out my other pricing panels chapter.

Once again, I will make free art to the first few people who ask on this chapter. What you request may or may not be used for advertisement. I want to give new people the opportunity to request first so if you received a drawing in the last giveaway I'll ask that you do not request again until the next time. Otherwise first come first served. This time I want to fill 4 slots, 2 shaded and 2 non shaded drawings.
Each full body sketch will include: A simple colored background with basic shapes or symbols if desired, a full body drawing of any creature you desire or something your friend would desire.
Please vote on this chapter before you request and maybe a few others if your feeling nice :3
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me a private message.

1. softboysalad

{COMPLETED} Story Art CommissionsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt