chapter 3

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Liza POV.                                                                                                                                                                                 

Probably the world would think I'm a fan of school(nerd like)but that stereotype is so funny,I'm only into subjects that I love and seeing my best friends trying their best in some subjects I can pass without reading like now,Mr Andrew,our English teacher gave us an exercise to write our view on the character Biggie from the novel,Native Son(why'd he picked that one of all books,why the maltreatment of blacks?).Mandy and Fred have been cracking up since then for a piece.

"Lizo are you listening?"Fred questions,this friend of mine is one of the school hottie but has declined severally in joining any of those holding a social life status for the sake of his friendship with us(soo man-like).

Wait a minute did he just?
"Very funny Fred, Imma take it in and be satisfied"Mandy finally smiles
"You've learnt a lot from me fwed but still I dinna know why this cwazy girl wouldn't crack up a little for our sake"she says,using the "accent" to indicate her frustration.

I learnt that English is her favourite subject(this girl would love to become a teacher when she graduates from college,well we've got one more year to jump into college,Yep).Mandy loves going an extra mile when it comes to giving out her view,she'd use a whole lot of people's point and then sum it all up with hers. This is the reason she is this class's best student.

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