part 2

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Third pov.

Two days had passed quickly, even yuno didn't noticed it that asta will already leave.

Sister lily and father already knew, asta told them.

They're sad... Very sad, their loud sunshine was already leaving them.

They were againts it because asta is just a four year old kid, but asta had convinced them that he can take care of himself and they shouldn't worry.

The 2 days was like a normal day, asta would play a little with the kids specially yuno, they would argue here and there.

Kids was just a todler to recognize and feel anything around him, asta knows that but he just wanted to have some time he needs to spend his last two days before leaving them.

He was well aware that the kids would likely forget him.

He smiled as he gripped his bag tightly on his shoulders.

"this is it... Farewell" asta said waving with a big grin on his face at father, sister lily, the kid and ofcourse yuno.

Aa asta walked away, his figure was already fading from their sight.

Sister lily broke as she cried as well as father.

Kids was just looking at them with confusion.

Yuno stood still and let a single tear slip from his eyes.

Asta sniffed, it was sad.. But he need to do this, for the sake of his family, for the sake of everyone... For the sake of his entire kingdom.

As a king, he will not allow anything bad happen to his own kingdom.

Days of walking and running had passed once again, asta was now wearing a royal attire that he found on his journey on a abandoned house that he suspect was a royal house.

He was walking gracefully on the streets... Like he was not a loud, cheering and a mess when he was in the church.

His hair was well arranged, clothes had suited him.

His red cape that was resting on his back was attached on his right shoulder.

Then on his waist was a hanging ugly red-black five leaf book.

If you guys are wondering here's the flashback


Asta's pov.

As i walked through the forest. And abandoned house had caught my attention.

I walked in front of it.

Broken door, broken window and a ruined wood floor.

It was barely standing as if it would crumble into dust if i walk in.

I opwned the door, a soft creek sound echoed through the whole house.

I sighed as i step in carefully avoiding holes on the floor, it might be dangerous if my foot suddenly got stocked into one of that holes.

I walked into one of the doors... It was the kitchen.

Why the heck i was doing this again?

Im like a thief looking for a valuable item that has a 90% chance of not being here.

Yeah... But i was curious as to why the heck there was a house in the middle of the forest?.

I qalked and walked around until i found the bedroom.

Then i heard a sound inside a closet beside the bed.

I opened it and found a...

Mouse... Eating a beautiful gown.

The mouse looked at me in the eyes.

"oh hello there fellow mouse.. Nice dinner i see... I apologize for the sudden interruption... Don't mind me" i said as i closed the closet again.

The i saw something under me...

Under the wooded floor... It was shining.

I noticed that the formation of the wood was not right... So there must be a hmm.

Screw it.

I, then slamed my foot down causing the wood to broke apart.

There it is..

I grabed the box inside, the box was pretty big... Fine, Bigger than me .

It has a crystal on top of its lid... It was the one who was shining.

I opened it revealing a royal attire that has a clover simbol here and there.

And it was exactly for 4-5 years old!

Sigh.. Destiny.

Wearing it i looked into the mirror who was likely... broken.

It was well suited on me, Like it was made for me in the first place.

I removed it.. I'll use that later.

Sigh i really has to thank Noelle on teachinv me those royal stuff like, how royals should speak, eat ,wall and dress.

Then i remember something.

Right!!! In my past life there was this device who would likely hid my grimiore well (because i keep losing it).

I remember it disappearing from my sight before i die so it must be there.

All i need is to chant the spell.

Shit.. what was the chant again?

Ohh yeah!! I remember now...

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth and softly mumbled the chant.

Seconds later my grimoire was now in front of me.

it glows as if recognizing me... Its owner.

End of flashback

Third pov.

And thats how he got those he was wearing and putting those things he originally had with him before he left the church inside the device were he was putting his grimoire.

He smiled at the people who was staring at him.

Ofcourse they would.

Who the heck would let their royal 4 year old son wondering on the streets of the big town full of poor people?

Ofcourse asta being an idiot he was... He was not aware of such as that.

(asta: fuck you author)

He walked into the palace.

Guards was giving him a confused looks but didn't bother to stop him because they had thought he was a royalty.

A brat.

He went inside.

Walking into the office of the wizard king.

No one noticed him on the way.

They're guard are so low, it might get them killed.

He sat on the chair in the middle crossing his legs and arms as the door opened.

Revealing the current wizard kind and his secretary.

They're shocked that there was a child... A royal child inside the office before them.

"are you lost kid?" his scretary with a bowl cut asked... Asta didn't even bother looking at him as he keep his gaze into the wizard king.

"i have something to talk with you" asta said as he put his tiny arms into the table sticking it upward then resting his chin on the back of his palms.

Like a king he was.


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