Holo peoples

17 1 3

Hi. I'm here, with a new story!

Basically , me and a girl from school keep getting mad at each other.

She hits me, pulls my hair and smacked a book over my head and i kneed her where the sun don't shine and she ran off crying, i got reported by her to a teacher. A new girl came to my school, my new friend. since one of my other friends( no names will be said, except mine, and names will be changed for privacy) And one day, the day i kneed her ya know where, before that she kept pulling my hair, i poured half a can of a fizzy drink on her and when she goes to grab my hair again, i grabbed her arm, twisted it slightly, and then kneed her. she runs off crying. i barely FUCKIN TOUCHED HER! Also, a girl, one of lia's friends(lia= girl who kept pulling my hair) recorded me pouring my drink on her and posted it on facebook

heloTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang