Chapter 13

394 13 9

Thise chapter was requested by kotlcpgohpfan4538
Tom brings Harry to the bed and Harry still cries. Tom sits down, puts Harry on his lap and hugs him softly. "shhh Its okay.... I'm here and they won't hurt you anymore...." says Tom worried and Harry answers "p-pro-promise? *hic* please p-pro- *hic* pro-promise me...." Tom nods and Harry calms a bit down but still trembles. "now tell me babyboy since then does they treat you that bad...." says Tom worried and wipes Harry's tears away. "since I'm small.... For every mistake I did I was punished.... With beating up...locking up in a dark small room or.... Or..." Harry tears up again and Tom Looks shocked "s-sometimes... R-ra-rape...." Harry cries in his hands and Tom hugs him Very protective. That's why Harry was scared in chapter 11...he was raped by his uncle... (we saw that in a flashback past me ¬~¬) Harry trembles by that thought and Tom just can hugs him. 'they will be sorry.... You hear me Hannah....' thinks Tom.

/by hannah/

Hannah stays in a shadow of a street as the durslees walk out of a Caffè. "that was cool dad!" says big D and petunia nods. Harry's uncle smiles "finally we got that mistake away and we can live like befor he came". Hannah looks mad to them and they get into their car. As they start the car, Hannah pulls out her wand and use a spell on it. The car goes crazy and drives on his own. "WHAT'S GOING ON!!" screams petunia and Hannah chuckles. She points the car at a street and it follows it. She follow the car as it goes faster and faster. Until it stopped as Hannah was standing before it. "wha?" says Big d and Harry's uncle goes out of the car. "who are you!!" screams he and Hannah chuckles. She points her wand at him and says "someone you shouldn't mess with". he looks shocked to her but then smiles "your a young witch you can't hurt us" says he laughing and she starts giggling "what's so funny hu?". She walks up to him and grabs his arm. "I'm not in the mynesterium... I don't exist for them" says Hannah chuckling and he moves back. She aparte away and he trembles.

/first day after the holidays/

Harry sits in the hogworts express, in a capin with Emilia, Draco, Isabella, Jana, Hannah and if course Tom. Tom looks like a professor. "so you will be a professor at Howards now Tom" ask Jana and Tom nods "of course under a fake name" everyone smiles and nods but not Harry... He thinks about something. He then get back to reality as the train suddenly stops. "what's wrong?" says Harry and everyone shrugs except for Hannah. "the mynesterium...." says Hannah and everyone gasp "there looking for someone" Hannah grabs her wand tightly as they door goes open. "hello I'm auror Pie and I look for a student who doesn't belong here" says the auror and everyone looks at them. "why" ask Tom and the auror answers "cause a few weeks ago muggles got attacked by magic from a young wizard or witch and it was the family durslees..." Harry gasp and everyone looks shocked. His family got attacked by a wizard or witch.... "like I see is everyone in thise school so good day" says the auror and disappeares and the door closes. Harry looks at everyone and then at Hannah. "do you know who it was" ask Harry and Hannah shakes her head "no I don't".

/at hogwarts/

All Goes to the great hall and Tom is a bit nervous. As all sit down dumbeldor stands up. He claps and says "now after our jew student got into there houses we will welcome a new teacher! Professor Yagama your new professor in defense in dark art!" Everyone claps as Tom stands up. But then everyone looks at Hanna. "is that your dad?" ask some girls and Hannah nods "yeah but he's gay" the girls gasp and Harry chuckles quiet.All girls look away and some guys look suprised.

/after they ate/

Harry waves to his frinds and start walking to his house. But as he does he then get pulled into a hallway. "arg!" says harry as he get hit at the wall.He looks up and sees...ginny."ginny what do you want?!" ask harry angry and ginny smiles. "dont be angry harry darling" says ginny and harry eyes widen. She called him darling for what...They broke up months ago and she...what?! (please remember me to kill me after thise ;~;)"harry! i still love you! and i know you love me to!" says ginny and harry faces goes dark. "my brother told me~" Harrys gets angry and then suddenly gasp. Ginny is....Kissing him!?(*cry* im so sorry!) he tries to pull her off but he cant...somehow he is weak... "h-ha-harry?...." says a familiar voice and harry gasp.


Wordcount: 839

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