chapter ii

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Laughing on the Outside - Bernadette Carroll

There wasn't anything we could do. We tried to hide, and failed. This was going to be the part where Michael and I are separated forever and I will be left with this curse on me. This unknown curse I have yet to officially find out about!

Michael stayed on the sofa while I got up and searched many cupboards for anything useful. Paper towels, cleaning supplies, and a random empty plastic bottle of water.

"It's useless! We're dead!" I screeched, slamming the cabinet doors. Or should I say I'm dead. I still don't know if I'm totally immortal yet. Yes, I'm under the curse, but I just don't quite believe it yet. I need to be stabbed in the heart multiple times again to really see.

Michael just sitting there was bothering me. He wasn't doing anything to help this situation. We are so fucked! The cops know we are here, there are no windows to get out from. There is one door and that door will be kicked down by a strong pair of combat boots, and then guns will be pointed at our heads. After that, we will be taken apart from one another and I won't see Michael again.

Although I'm extremely pissed off at him right now, I still care for him deeply. Even if those feelings feel fake to me, I know I do feel for him. In the most friendliest way. There's no romance. None. Yeah, I kissed him but it was all fake. I'm sure he thinks the same way. Fake, fake, fake.

Friends kiss each other in friendly ways all the time... right? Forget it! None of it happened.

"Michael, am I going to die? Are we never going to see each other again?" I walked back to him. He didn't give any response. Great. Oddly enough, I didn't feel my anxiety. It felt like my heart was missing something. Normally my heart would feel pressure and I'd be sweating at the palms. But that's not happening. I'm just saying things. Not feeling things. I hate this. I hate not feeling feelings. The only emotion I know how to feel is anger. So much anger! These stupid cops! They're ruining my life!

But I can't do anything about it. They have guns. Michael only has a knife. A knife to a gunfight will always end up messy. The knife always loses. I know Michael is unbreakable but I don't want to see him being shot at. I really don't. This is my issue. I killed so many doctors and nurses. I caused the 911 call.

"Haddonfield Police! Open up!" They banged furiously at the door. It wasn't a sturdy door. We couldn't stop it from opening. Seconds later, as I predicted, they kicked it down instantly. Many shielded cops came in, guns withdrawn, many on me and many on Michael. He stood with his knife equipped to his side.

"Drop your weapon! Now!" Michael never dropped it. "I said drop your weapon! Put your hands up!" I ignorantly raised my hands above my shoulders and surrendered. Michael was forced to put his hands up and they also snatched his knife from him, which wasn't easy.

"Put Michael Myers in handcuffs. We will escort the lady into the car ourselves. She's not a threat." I'm not a threat? Really? I'm not a threat?! Did I not just kill about a dozen people?!

Michael was the first to go. He wasn't even resisting arrest. They walked him out of the shack, and for all I know, put him in a police car.

Before they even escorted me, they body checked me for any sort of weapon. Yeah, I had nothing on me. Also, the way this cop was touching me was a bit inappropriate. I get it, it's his job, but he was literally fingering me. Disgusting.

He saw my tattoo and observed it quickly. He even gave me a weird look; then he gave a nod to someone who was also a cop just behind him. No words, just a single nod, then I was transferred outside and put down into a flashing car. They slammed the door hard on me. This was it, I guess. There's nothing I can do anymore. I watched the car Michael was put into drive off fast. Him leaving me gave me an unnerving sensation.

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