Nighttime Reassurances

Start from the beginning

" Where did you get this?" I asked, taking a drink from some water bottles that were there as well. Willy smiled widely and made an effort to not look me in the eyes.

" I just picked it up at a local place." He said. Well... he was an escaped mental patient. He probably did not have any money and even if he did his face was probably on half the news channels. I was just going to leave it at that.

" Are you not eating?" I asked, taking another slice. He shook his head.

" No, I already had my dinner." He said and I almost dropped my slice.

" Willy!" I cried out, making Elliot jump next to me and hit his knees on the table.

" I did not eat anybody Y/N I promise! I grabbed a sandwich on the way here!" He quickly cried back and I looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before deciding to believe him.

We finished up the box quickly. It was well accepted considering I had not eaten in an entire day. Willy excused himself for the night and went to another room. I looked over at Elliot.

" Well, I guess we should rest up for the night as well," I said, holding my hand out to him. He took it and we walked back to the room we were staying in. It was a bit harder to see now since it was dark and there were no lights in this house. In fact, looking out of the window I could not even see any street lamps. I settled down against the wall and he sat down next to me.

" Goodnight Elliot, we have a big day tomorrow," I said to him. He stayed in a sitting position against the wall as I laid down and made myself as comfortable as I could.

" Good...night." His gruff voice said, and I was asleep.

- -

I woke up crying out and fighting against the strong hands that were grabbing my shoulders. It was dark, I could not see anything. Someone strong was holding me in a tight grip, I tried my best to fight them by kicking and clawing at them.

" Let me go!!" I screeched, giving it my all. I felt the hands that were gripping me retreat and I scurried backward until my back hit into a wall. I looked wildly around for my attacker, though I only had the light of the moon to light the dark and decaying room that I resided in.

I could make out the form of a large figure huddled into the other corner much like how I was. They were looking at me with wide and frightened eyes. It took me a second to remember where I was.

" Elliot? Was that you?" I asked the dark, hulking figure. There was a rustling sound and it took me a moment to realize that he was nodding his head.

" You... had... a... nightmare... I...I...tried..." His voice sounded shaky and scared, and I instantly felt a stab of guilt. I got onto my hands and knees and slowly started to crawl over to him.

" Elliot, I'm so, so sorry. I did not know what I was doing... I guess... I guess I thought I was still back with the twins." I said softly to him as I continued to crawl. In the minimal light, I could see that he had both of his hands covering his face as he scrunched into himself even more as if he was trying to hide from me.

" I'm sorry." His deep voice whispered. Was... was he shaking?

" Elliot no, please don't be sorry. You did not do anything wrong, you were just trying to help. Please don't feel bad." I pleaded to him as I stopped right in front of him. I got onto my knees and slowly raised my hands up to his.

He jumped slightly at my touch, but I kept my hands on his. With a soothing voice as I continued to reassure him, I was able to coax the frightened creature into lowering his hands. Exposing his pale face with wide, frightened eyes.

" I... Scare... you." He said, his brow furrowing in worry. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped slightly as I moved my hands from his up to his scarred face. With both hands, I cupped his cheeks.

They were soft, like silk, and the scars were like cold rivers against his blazing hot flesh. His skin was like snow, but it was as warm as the sun.

" No Elliot, You don't scare me. I just did not realize it was you is all. If I was scared of you, do you think I would be holding you like this?" I questioned him, hoping that he would see my reasoning. He looked at me with wide eyes for a moment, a reflection of the shock coming from his soul.

He shook his head, lowering his brown gaze to the floor as his dark curls bounced side to side. I lowered my head so I could look into his eyes, a big grin forming on my face.

" See, you don't scare me. Do I scare you?" I switched the question around, meaning for it to be a joke. However, I was greatly surprised when he nodded his head. " What? How am I scary to you?" I asked in bewilderment.

" I'm... afraid... You... will... stop..." He whispered in a deep gravelly voice that held the innocent fear of a child. My heart shattered into a million little pieces at that confession. I straightened my back and looked down at him.

" Elliot, look at me." I said sternly yet gently." It took a second, but he hesitantly raised his head just enough to look into my eyes. " I have seen these large hands do great harm. But I have also seen them care for delicate flowers, and you never crushed a single one of them. You hold my hands, and I feel safer, not in danger. I have known you for four years, and It may have started out a bit rocky, but ever since we became friends... well let's just say your my number 1" I told him the complete truth, making sure he was looking me right in the eyes.

He looked at me in surprise for a long moment. His brown eyes were wide and his mouth hung slightly agape. Then an expression of pure wonder crossed his features, and I realized I had never seen such an expression on him before.

I hugged him, burying my face in his neck and he did the same with his in mine. We stayed embraced, under the light of a full moon.

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