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I was laying on my bed looking up at the white celling all I could think was 'is this the day when I finally will die' Then awoke me out of my thoughts was a racket or more to say a bang.'Oh to dear heavens what is it now' I sat up to look out the window to see down there my brother. He was such a pain for being 10. I saw he had his baseball bat in hands and two of his friends were over one holding a glove the other staring off into the distance. I look at to see what that boy was looking at.There I saw my damn stupid ass brother hit the baseball into the neighbor's window!

I start marching down the stairs and run over to my brother and his friends. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL LIAM!" I say screaming at my brother. He steps back from me as I walk closer to him. "I'm sorry Lily I didn't mean to," he says while starring at his feet. "Mom is gonna kill you know right now go over to the neighbors house and apologize," I say while shaking my head back in fourth. "What no Lily I'm to scared," he says in a fake sad voice. "Do I fucking have to do everything by myself, Liam do I!" I yell while kicking his back. He yelps in agony I start walking away,I grab a basket of goods to apology towards the neighbors.

I have never meet them since they were new here so I guess this a great way to welcome them to are neighborhood.I start over towards the house it was a round circular building half made of glass the other not. Couldn't these people just chose no glass or glass pick one people. There probably some old couple who bickers a lot. I walk up to the door and knock. No one answers I knock again. No one answers once again I look around to find a doorbell. Aha I press the button with ease. Creak A boy with black hair and purple streaks in his hair comes out his eye bags almost looked worse than mine and mine are pretty bad. He had a dark red hoody on him with some gray sweat pants on. "May I help you kid," he says in a low tone voice. "Hey I'm not a kid!" I yell. "Woah calm down sorry your just so short," he says with a snicker. "I'm 16 damn it," I make a large sigh in my sentence. "Well what do you want," he says. "I wanted to give you this," I say waving the basket in front of his face."What for?" he says tilting his head.

"For breaking your window," I say while running away afterwards. I give a quick glance back him still starring at me while laughing. I wave quickly back and go inside my house.'What a weird ass kid wonder if he's on drugs.' I flop onto my bed and curl into a ball. All I want is just death why can't life already be over damn it. I sit up to check the time it was only 3:30. I guess I could finish a Netflix show like a normal kid or something else like go to the roof of my house and see if I could jump off. Of course go with the second one. I start to go towards are roof I quickly grab the ladder to help me get up. I start to climb onto are flat roof were you could almost see the ocean. I sit there for two seconds and then I get up and walk to the edge. I look down at the distance of the floor from where I am. Not that far really at least 40ft high. I guess I could only break one of my bones not that much.

As I looked around to see if anyone was watching but there was only one person that boy. What the hell is he looking at. I glare at him but he just laughs at me I then do the most childish thing ever I stick out my tougne at him. He then starts laughing and sticks out his tongue at me. For some assorted reason I want to go up to him and smack his smirk off his face. 'Don't let him get to youLily your better than him way better'........

How did I even get here I was at the roof of my house now I'm at that boy's house front door. I barge in the door was already open like he was expecting me which is very weird, like who does that. I see him sitting on the floor on his phone. "YO!" I yell walking up to him."May I help you?" he ask still on his phone. I take it out if his hands and start looking over what he was doing. "HEY WHAT THE HELL!" he yells while grabbing back his phone."Woah man calm down plus who was that is says Venssa with 5 heart emoji's," I say while pushing his shoulder.His face burns bright red. I laugh at his reaction. "Its no one you can go now kid," he says while pushing me away. "How rude can I at least get your name," I say while puffing out my cheeks."My name is Luke Blakewood now leave small child,"he says slamming the door in my face.I start to walk off into my house.

What a weird day I thought in my head as I went up into my room. I went to quickly change into some sweat pants and a giant hoodie. I then started to watch Naruto and yes I do like anime if your wondering. As I watch Naruto I fell off into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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