3. Unforgettable ♡

Start from the beginning

"Woahh..Kook you must've done something terrible to make him that angry..He would never hurt you without a reason.." Jimin exclaimed..

"I know, right?? But I swear I didn't do anything.. I behaved well in front of his friends and I talked to everyone politely.. I didn't even try to sneak out of the party.."

"Then what caused his sudden outburst??" Jin asked

"I don't know hyung..He's acting strange.. He is not talking to me either, let alone apologizing for yesterday's behavior" Jungkook sighed..

"May be uncle was stressed out because of work and took it out on you.. Forget about it.. don't take it to your heart..okay kookie??" Jin smiled at him..

" Aghh..I don't know.. Because of him I won't be able to find my Prince charming.." Jungkook  pouted..

"Why am I getting this Cinderella vibe from Jungkook??" Jimin asked playfully

"Exactly..I should have left my shoes there" Jungkook sighed..

"Some great man once said 'Get out of your imagination..It's not good there'..There are hundreds of boys in this city who has same foot size as you.. Those fairy tale laws won't be effective here" Jin said..

"Ughhh.. shut up hyung.. You don't understand..I can't get myself to stop thinking about him..I'm going crazy thinking about him all the time " Jungkook whined..

"We'll find him..don't worry Kook.. We'll  research on all the CEOs and their heirs of Seoul.. All of them are quite well known..so it won't be that hard,right??" Jimin grinned

"Right" Jin said.. "Now don't be so upset.. Our Jungkookie fell for a man for the first time.. we'll definitely find him out no matter what" He grinned..

"You guys are the best" Jungkook hugged them tightly..

"Let's go clubbing tonight..To celebrate Jungkook's first love" Jimin said excitedly..

Both Jin and Jungkook burst into laughter..

"Chim, you just need a reason to party, don't you?" Jin pinched his cheek..

"Don't mock me.. I know you two are the same.." Jimin pouted..

"I know right.. That's why we are besties forever " Jungkook grinned showing his adorable bunny teeth..


Later that night JJJ trio went clubbing to have a blast..They went into the club ready to get drunk..

After a few drinks Jimin stood up "I'm gonna dance..Are you coming with me??"

"Hell yeah.." Jungkook followed him to the dance floor dragging Jin with him..

Jungkook was already drunk.. But it didn't  matter.. He loved moving freely along with  the music.. He suddenly bumped into someone .."I'm so sorry" He said and looked back to see the man.. His eyes widened..

"Did I drink so much that I'm getting hallucinations?? Why am I seeing you here my prince?" He smiled and put his arms around his neck moving closer..

The man smiled back and put his hands on Jungkook's tiny waist "I'm not your imagination Jungkook..Your Prince is really here"

"Are you for real??"


They were slow dancing along with the rhythm.. Jungkook's face was dangerously close to the man's face.. He was staring at Jungkook's lips..

"I couldn't forget your face even for a moment   since yesterday..I  missed you so much" The man said..

"Me too" Jungkook replied almost immediately..

He smiled and cupped Kook's face "I wanted to see these innocent sparkling eyes.. I wanted to kiss those luscious lips.. I desperately wanted to see you again.."

"Yess.. me too.." Jungkook said with teary eyes and a bright smile..

"I think.." He paused for a moment and started again  "I think I have fallen for you Jungkook.."

Jungkook felt like he was in cloud nine..He couldn't  believe  what he was hearing.. The man of his dreams was saying the same exact words he wanted to say to him.. He was smiling ear to ear..

" Am I dreaming now?? If yes, then I never want to wake up from this beautiful dream.."

"Although meeting you was like a dream to me, it's not a dream Kookie.. I love you"

"I love you too"

"Are you sure?? You don't  know me that well..You don't even know my name..What if you start hating me after knowing who I am" He said..

"That won't happen..No matter who you are my love for you won't change.." Jungkook said looking straight into his eyes

"Taehyung..Kim Taehyung is my name.." He paused for a moment to see Jungkook's reaction but failed to read his mind.. He started again "Only heir of Kim Corporation..Your mortal enemy"

"My enemy??" Jungkook was staring at him with hooded eyes..

"Yes.. will you still-"

"Sounds Good.. I love you Mr. Enemy" Jungkook closed the small gap between their  lips..

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