"I'm so sorry. I wasn't mad at you – I was mad at me," His voice is cracking, afraid at the prospect of her hating him after this. "I was scared. You scared me – like all the time! I'm scared that you won't like me back, I'm scared that you'd find me rude or being a jerk if I kiss you or touch you – my God, it's so hard for me to control myself around you, do you know that? I have all these questions in my head – what if I'm moving too soon, what if you feel pressured by me holding you all the time – cus I wanna hold you all the freakin time! You're so beautiful and you make me feel like I'm not deserving of you but all I wanna do is be with you! I'm scared that I won't be able to control myself and I'll ruin it. I don't wanna ruin what we have, I can't – I can't afford to lose you," He took a deep breath as if he'd just run a mile. His heart is beating so fast as he stumbled on his speech. 

When she said nothing, he held her at arm's length. There are stains of tears on her cheeks, but she immediately wiped them both.

"I'm so sorry that I shouted just now baby. Please forgive me," He searched for her eyes as she looks down at her fingers. When he found them, Lisa's lips curved into a small smile.

"I scared you?" Her voice is small as she takes a deep breath. Her cheeks are pink. His confession probably contained too much information for her to take in.

"So much," He chuckled, partly relieved that she's still talking to him.

"Like, how much?" She smirked. Oh God, does she not realize how damn sexy she looks like right now? Or is she purposely trying to test him again?

"So much it hurts," Is his face red now, he hopes not!

Lisa shifts from one foot to the other. "Hurts where?" Okay, she's definitely teasing him! Jungkook laughs and pulls her back into his arms. She's so huggable, like a little kitten - fitting nicely on his body. Not that he knew what it feels like to hug a kitten but if he could imagine, this is how it would feel like!

"Are we okay baby?"

"Yes," Her small voice makes him squeeze her even tighter.

"Really okay?"

"Mm-hmm," He can feel her nodding head on his chest as he caresses her hair.

"Then can I ask you to do something?"

She pulled herself back and looked up to him with a serious expression. "Do you want me to punch you? For you to feel better?" She squints her eyes and at that moment, he knew.

"I'm so in love with you," He breathed, not being able to control himself. Lisa blinked at the remark. Fuck Kook! What did you just say about moving too soon and ruining shit?! "I – I mean," Yeah, what the fuck do you mean?

Jungkook took a step back, at loss of how to fixor take back what he said. He looks down and scratches his non-itchy head,cursing at himself for being the ultimate fool of the year! He never wanted tokick himself on the back so hard that he'll probably land back to Korea - sobadly in his entire life! How is it even possible for one person to fuck upconsecutively in a span of three days? 

Before he could come up with another swearing word to himself, he felt her soft palm on his cheek and her lips on his. It took him by surprise but it's as if it's her way of telling him to calm down. There's some-what of an urgency in her kiss. Like she'd been wanting to do this for a long time and there's no more time to waste. 

No longer in his control, his hands moved up by themselves to reach the back of her neck. Her lips parted more, giving access for him to slips his tongue in. You're driving me crazy! His hands are now in her hair, tugging it back gently as their tongue dances in perfect sync. Her hands grasped the outline on the jumper at the base of his neck and every grazes of her knuckles on his skin felt like a slow burn.

Tender in the Night | A Lizkook AUΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα