Chapter 1

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"Come on mate, we also have to find a compartment. Hurry up." Harry says.

"Coming, Harry just a second." Draco replies.

They were on the train. They saw Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Hello, girls." Draco says.

"Shut up Malfoy." Ron replies.

"Don't speak with me like that or else you know." Draco says.

"What will you do Malfoy?" Ron asks

"Ron you know the consequences of picking a fight in which you are definitely going to lose. Start to learn from mistakes done from the last 4 years." Harry says.

"You don't need to inform me what to do Potter." Ron replies.

Harry sighs and shakes his head.

Ron removes his wand and points at Harry. Draco also removes his wand.

"Ron keep your wand down. You know I am the best student in DADA, I am telling you for your best." Harry says.

Hermione and Ginny also remove their wand.

"3 vs 2 who will win." Ron says.

Harry removes his wand swiftly and shots three Expelliarmus, and disarms all 3 of them.

"I already told you." Harry says.

"Come on Draco I have a lot of work to do besides fighting a winning match." Harry says to Draco. Then turns to Ron, "I hope you will understand now and not repeat the same mistake." Harry says to Ron.

Then give them there wands back with respect and return to there compartment.

"He is cute, intelligent, attractive, powerful, smart, and talented but he is Slytherin." Ginny thinks to herself and sighs.

"Why you have to always embarrass us, Ron?" Ginny says.

"This happens every year, you pick up the fight against him and always lose even though he warns you and we have to involve to protect you. He wanted to be our friend in our 1st and 2nd year. He used to fight against Slytherins when they use to bully someone in front of him. Then in the end he gave up and stopped helping anyone, and became friends with Draco. He still doesn't bully anyone. Now he doesn't even talk to us." Hermione says.

"What?" Ginny says. "Is it true Ron?" Ginny asks.

"Yes, it's true. Ron used to say he only does it for fame." Hermione replies.

"I did the biggest mistake of my life in my 1st year." Ginny says this and sits down keeping her head down and hands on her head.

"What are you saying?" Ron asked.

"Ron because of your stereotype, I didn't say even thank you for saving my life." Ginny says.

"When did he save your life?" Hermione asks.

"I was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets. I was controlled by Voldemort through the diary. He killed the Basilisk and destroyed the diary. I didn't speak to him at that time because as I am taught all Slytherins are bad. He told me not to tell anyone who saved her because everyone will think he is the one who opened it and I will not tell anyone who opened the Chambers. It's only known to Dumbeldore and now you two." Ginny replies.

"I had a crush on him for a long time, I was her fangirl but I didn't say anything because you told me he is evil as he is Slytherin. Now I like him more than anyone but I can't even say him." Ginny says and is getting frustrated.

"I will help you to tell him. We will go step by step. First, say him thank you for saving your life and then sorry for the way you acted towards him." Hermione says.

Ginny nods.

"No that's not going to happen." Ron says.

"Shut it, Ronald. I am not going to take your nonsense anymore." Ginny says and points her wand at Ronald.

Ron gets frightened and sits quietly.

The remaining train ride goes quietly.

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