Why would you ever kiss me

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He was now going through this phase of his heartbreak where he would question what would've happen if you hadn't have kissed him.

Everytime he looked at you he imagined the kiss and him not kissing back.

And whenever he saw Heather he imagined them kissing and them both kissing back.

He couldn't get it out of his head, his imagination was getting the best of him.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Conan open up I need to tell you something."

He hear you shout from the outside of his apartment while he was having a battle with his mind.

He immediately thought you were gonna tell him about your new relationship since you usually call him Cone and rarely call him Conan.

So he ignored you and waited until you left.

Heather-Conan Gray Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora