Round 1, Chapter 7: Accusations End In Distruction

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"Gah! Where the fuck did you come from?!"

"Language! And I'm just here to help is all. You're... Asher Neit, right?"

"I'd prefer if you just called me Ash."

"Ok then Ash, follow me!"

"...Still haven't caught your name."

"Oh, I'm Vanilla, but you could just call me Villy.  Some of your friends were here earlier, y'know."

"Yeah, I can tell."

"...oh wait."


"It's that thing again isn't it?"

"That thing?"

"I'd rather not name it, but you know what I'm talking about."

"I guess so.  That how you died too?"

"It's a long story."

"I have time."

"Well, if you really wanna hear it, I love storytelling! Lemme see where to start..."

I'm still trying to process what I've been told as Ally helps me walk out of the bedroom.  On second thought, I really should've stayed in bed, but I didn't want anyone to worry.  It's already kinda too late for that anyway as the first thing I feel when I walk out is what could only be described as just under enough force to not crush my ribs into dust.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, MAN!" Thomas shouted, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. I could feel him shaking harshly as I pat his back a bit to try and comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I said with a small smile.  I was still light-headed and doing my best not to just collapse on the floor.  I think Kees noticed me as he gently held Thomas's shoulder and pulled him away from me. 

"Ok, that's enough Tommy." He said calmly, appearing completely unfazed by my condition until he spoke again. "Seriously though, I think everybody here thought you had... y'know, passed on."

Well, that does make sense. If I heard someone screaming their lungs out in the middle of the night I'd think they'd be dead too, especially with our current situation. But I don't have the patience or the headspace to say much, so I just nod my head at him.

Everyone was talking and discussing things with each other. I couldn't hear much, but I could tell most of them had their suspicions on Alex because of what happened yesterday.  I wish I could remember what the Murderer looked like, but I was too panicked to even attempt getting a good view of their face.  All I could remember was seeing a pair of piercing red eyes, and even then my memory was too fuzzy to even recall if they were eyes.  I don't think I trust my memory enough to even believe something was glowing at all, especially since the best look I got was when they were bashing my head into the bed frame.  Yeah, I'm never recovering from this.

I turned around to look for Jo just to see what she was up to.  The photos should've been perfectly fine and they weren't on the bedroom floor when I woke up, so I assumed she had them.  But as soon as I turned my head, I caught something out of the corner of my eye.  It didn't stay long enough for me to get a good look, but I knew damn well something was there.  I groan and rub my eyes, reminding myself that my brain could very well be fucking with me 24/7 now.  I don't even care anymore, I'm going straight to a hospital after I get out of here.  If I get out of here.

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