Chapter 12: Upon each of their hearts

Start from the beginning

I guess if you want MY opinion....the best I can describe these rejects.... is none other than this.

'These are the HEROES WHO DIDN'T GET SAVED...' 

For whatever reason, that may be, whether it's simply cause they didn't have such a happy beginning, or cause they were neglected or looked down upon, or simply cause no one saved them when they needed them the most...

It's so bitter-sweet that both sides have one thing in common that sometimes they forget. 


So as this big huge gaping hole to the side of the U.S.J dome had been nearly split in half by one punch, the sun was at its highest peak in the blissful skies. As it shines its light on one lone shadow as they slowly took slow steps towards the real threat to her at least.

You could hear the soft, yet powerful footsteps as they made their way closer, and closer WITHOUT looking away from the two main concerns to the person making their way over.

Pointing her blade tip at Shigaraki as she ignored the five men who were too stunned to speak even as they watch her not once looking away, like a lioness ready to corner her prey asking them if they have any last words before they are eaten. 

".....Now. I'll ask you two one. Last. TIME. Who ARE you really working for?"

She wanted them to keep their eyes solely focused on her, as one, the tallest out of the four boys. Was starting to leave a trail of steam as time was up for him, holding the wound over his side as he had to end this quickly. 

So taking over he used his power to make one last move. As he seems to flash himself over to stand in front of (Y/n). Trying to protect her, so badly she wanted to grab him and flip him over behind her, as she refuses to let him stop her from getting to the one chance in a life truth that she has been LONGING for.

But she bit her tongue from talking almost like Bakugo.....Almost. About to asked him to please don't do this to her, the man named All Might quickly shield her as he was letting her know, to please. Just stay behind him, he knows she is capable of handling herself. But not these guys, sensing there is something off about them. 

"....You've been BESTED villains. Surrender. We all wanna get this over quickly."

The one, well more of the voice of the ring leader Shigaraki had both of his hands out as he was trying to grasp how did this happen!? How could there be someone like THIS and he didn't even see it!? It was hard to tell what he was thinking cause of those dead multi hands grasping his arms, shoulders, and masking his face. 

You could hear him in a low disbelief voice, that soon grew louder as he has been beaten by a girl. And worst this girl was so strong she didn't even use her quirk!? And even if she did, it was a very, very small amount of it!!

But what was most upsetting was how All Might wasn't beaten at all!? Shigaraki relived how that brat-!? That tiny little brat got the best of his Nomu like it was nothing!? That was when he felt like SHE cheated him!! (Y/n) could already tell how Shigaraki was taking this, like a spoiled child who wasn't getting what he asked for and now he'll go into a temper tantrum...

'Oh, brother. What a baby...'

Feeling her eyes rolling around she then felt her phone vibrating so taking this chance she slips a bit of it out thanks to All Might blocking her from being seen as she read the messaged she got. As she smirked as she texted and slip it back into the back pocket of her gym uniform. Before it went dark her phone was texted to her.

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