Jay led me down the hallway, and we entered the locker room. I scanned the room for my bag, but I still couldn't find it. I even looked in my locker, but my bag was nowhere to be found.

"Jay, I thought you said my bag was in here" I ask and turn around to face him.

Jay only smiled and closed the difference between us, pressing his lips onto mine. I laughed against Jay's lips as he pressed me against the lockers. For a few seconds, there was no space between our bodies, and our lips were moving in perfect sync. However, I soon pulled my lips away from Jay's and rested my forehead against his.

"My bag was never in here, was it" I question.

Jay shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's under my desk."

"Mm. Well, as much as I love this, we have a case to work on, so we have to get back to the bullpen" I say.

"Okay. Maybe we can continue this later" Jay suggested.

"We'll see" I say and exit the locker room.


"According to our victim, Ruby, she saw the offenders running from the street behind her. Assuming these geniuses didn't drive their own car to a carjacking, we checked the nearest L" Adam told Voight.

"Right, and that takes you to the Pink Line, which is three blocks south. This is ten minutes before the jacking, Sarge" I say and point to the computer screen. "That's our John Doe right there during happier times before he was impaled."

"Why don't you run facial rec on the partner" Voight suggested.

"Already on it. Felix Rodriguez. 19 with a juvie rap. Lives in Englewood with his mom" Kevin informed Voight.

"Drag his ass in" Voight said.

Hailey and Voight spoke to Felix, and he said the name of his partner was Miguel. He didn't have a last name because they didn't know each other that well. Felix was offered 500 bucks to help Miguel pick up and drop off a car, but he didn't know there was going to be someone in it. Felix then gave us the address of where he dropped the car off, so Adam and I headed over to check it out.

The bad news was that the car was scorched, the plate was popped, and the VIN was scraped. I waved some smoke away from my face as I inspected the inside of the car. As I was taking a peak towards the back seat, something caught my eye.

"Adam, come check this out" I say.

"What is it" Adam asked and joined me next to the car.

"You see where the fire burned back the upholstery" I ask and pick up a Halligan one of the firemen had lying around.

"Yeah. Why" Adam questioned.

I dug the tip of the Halligan into a crease I found, and with one swift pull, the crease expanded. Now, sitting before us, was a drug trap.

"I'm pretty sure Beamers don't come factory-equipped with drug traps" I say.

Back at the district, Adam and I walked upstairs and found Hailey, Vanessa, and Voight sitting in one of the back rooms. All of them were looking at computer screens, but as soon as we entered the room, they turned their attention to us.

"Hey, Sarge. It turns out Ruby's car was fitted with a high-end, fireproof drug trap, which is lucky for us because it preserved the drug residue inside. The field test confirmed it was heroin" Adam said.

"So this wasn't a carjacking" Hailey asked.

"Nope. It was a dope rip. The lab told us that the fingerprint found inside this trap is definitely Ruby Garcia's" I explain.

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now