"Well I guess that's me been like this for a while, my mind is empty half of the time I don't express certain emotions because I don't feel them"I replied with small yawn at the end.

"I'm just wired different I guess I mean but that what some shit does to you"I chuckled.

"I know..."He slowly spoke lowering his head as he fixed his shirt a little then looking back up at me.

"You different too, you are forgiving like very forgiving, your kind you think before you speak- you are very selfless from what I've seen- little 13 year old me would envy you but now I don't like that at all"I stated

"I guess I'm wired different too"he says smiling hella hard.It found it what some would call adorable.

"I guess you are but you truly are something else to you literally around me but don't know shit about me I know everything about that doesn't trip you out"I stated.

"You don't know everything that's impossible"he laughed shaking his head.

"Yeah just one thing your last name no one knows it but I know your middle name, I know what childhood house you grew up in I know that your mom and dad don't have a relationship I know that grandpa was killed- I know that your grandma died from heartbreak and I know that you had another sibling but they died at a very young age,I know your mom had two husbands...I know that your favorite color is yellow and pink"I ranted as I fidgeted with my rings.

He scoffs as his face turned from horror to confusion like mad confusion, "How- how?"he asked blankly.

"Simple I'm me"I responded as I slouched.He looked at the lake at his feet before looking back up, then he giggled for a second.

"You know all that but don't know my last name"he pointed out, yeah still tryna figure that out.

"I know what it starts with"I stated with a small shrug.

"What"he responded giving a curious look as put his hands under his shirt.

"It starts with a C almost everyone knows that it's not hard to find"I shrugged .

"Good, your right it does"he mumbled.He thinks I'm- okay.

"Kairi I know this shit- I'm not lying to you like wouldn't your last name be mazoku"I asked leaning closer to him.

"I-"he spoke but immediately paused shock clearly written across his face.

"Told you baby I know everything but not knowing your last name- I don't know and it's pissing me off"I grumbled as I stepped closer.

"Stop stop"he mumbled holding out his hand.I wasn't intending on getting closer he looks like he wants to cry.

"Did I go to far, it's a lesson don't make it seem like I don't know shit"I say leaning on a tree.

"Please tell no one anything you just said except Alvaro he's the only one that knows that stuff"he frantically mumbled.

"He knows your last name"I asked as I leaned forward.If his bestfriend knows that's good.

"Only about two letters it's joke between us or whatever, I can't tell him even if I wanted too"he spoke pushing his hair out of his face.

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