Imagine For: cookiecholeeee

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"1am, are you fucking kidding me, Niall" you said to yourself as you sat on the couch. Niall went out with the lads for a bit and still isn't back. Of course you were worried, what of something bad happened to him. You couldn't bear that thought. You decided to try and give him another call, hopefully he answers this time.

"Hey Chloe!" His voice beamed though the phone.
"Niall! Thank god you're ok! I was so worried, what are you still doing out, it's late and you have an interview in the mor-"
"Oh here we go with the lecture. I'll be home, just go lay down, go to sleep I'll be home later." Niall said, a bit irritated.
"No need to get an attitude, Horan. I'm just trying to help you out, but you know what? Fuck it, just try to come home alive. Bye." You spat into the phone and hung up.

You ran upstairs into your room and laid down on the bed. It was impossible to fall asleep knowing Niall was still out.
"He's a grown man." You think to yourself. "But he's also a grown man with responsibilities."

Time goes by and Niall's still not back. You're even more worried than before. 2:47 reads the clock on your bedside table. You were about to text him again until you heard a loud bang downstairs. "Niall?" You yelled as you sprinted down the stairs. You walked into the living room to see Niall, eyes bloodshot, hair a mess.

"Niall, there you are! It's about damn time!" You yelled, approaching Niall with heavy steps.
"Don't give that shit Chloe! Don't! Every damn time I go out, you drill me with your bitchiness. I'm tired of it!" Niall screamed at you.
Niall had never acted this way towards you were beyond scared and mad at the same time. "Niall I was just tying to help you. You have to wake up at 5 in the morning, here it is almost 3. I was worried sick! And all you can think about is how I'm bitchy? Whatever, Niall. You're a grown man, take care of yourself, I'm glad you're okay." You said back defensively as you stomped back upstairs.

You couldn't hold the tears back anymore. You laid in bed, crying yourself to sleep. It was a lot harder to sleep without having a cuddly Niall next to you.

At around 7 you woke up did your normal morning routine, although it just didn't feel right without Niall. You walked into the living room expecting Niall to be passed out in the couch but there was no one.

You searched the rest of the house but only to find no one there. Niall was gone...but where? Did he go to the interview? The pub? A friends house? Did he leave you?

Just the thought of your gorgeousness prince leaving you made you drop to your knees and cry. You loved him so much, losing him was just losing everything you lived for.

You laid there longer than you had thought, when you got back up, it was 12.

You heard the sound of a jiggling doorknob. You ran to the front door in hopes that Niall would be there.

"CHLOE!" Niall shouted. With tears in his eyes he ran towards you and pulled you into his arms. His warmth surrounded your body and made you instantly feel protected. "NIALL!" You shouted back at him. "I'm so sorry princess. I was such a jerk, you were only trying to help, I didn't mean anything I said I wa-" you cut him short with a soft, sweet, but satisfying kiss. "Its okay, I'm sorry too." You say as you break free.

"I love you Niall, don't ever leave me." You say to him, looking in his beautiful blue eyes.
"I love you too Chloe." He says rubbing your cheek with his thumb. He pulls you in for another kiss. "Never would I leave you." He says as he rests his forehead against yours. "Never." He whispers.

For: cookiecholeeee! Hope you liked it Chloe! I would have done it sooner but I was busy studying for finals, but here it is now! 😋 🙈

If anyone wants to request an Imagine, comment or message me!😄☀️🙈

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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