-I saw her in a dream 🌌-

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Blathers went to bed and enters the dream he has had frequently. It's  her. He can just look from afar usually, but she's closer this time. Her stance is relaxed, kind demeanor, and a smile that can light up the stars. This time the dream is different.... She turns around, facing Blathers. She steps closer, clouds puffing around her feet. Bathers steps forward timidly, surprised at that she stepped forward to him. She touches his hand. It's soft and tender, her gaze looking curiously into Blathers's eyes. He felt at peace for the moment. No one speaks. 

Blathers awakes to his alarm, snapping out of his slumber. He gets up and starts to change out of his nighttime clothes. He can't get her out of his head. It all felt so real. As he walks to resident services, tom nook comes out.

"Oh, hello Blathers! We have a new resident that moved in today, yes yes. You should go meet them hmmm?

" Thanks nook! I'll probably stop by their place soon on on my way to Timmy and tommy."

"You know, you two might hit it off really well. Seems like someone you could get along with. I must be going though, isabelle asked for some extra help this morning. Bye!"

"Bye nook!"

Someone he could get along with... Nook knew him pretty well so they must be a wonderful person. He nervously walked to your door. No one was home. He sighed and made his way to Timmy and Tommy's shop. On his way there he sees someone by the beach.... They look so familiar. They turn to the side and-

Those eyes.

The same curious and soft eyes he saw in his dream. Could it really be her? No, that's crazy. Or could it be? Before he could walk over he was greeted by a resident. They chatted for a but but his mind was thinking about that girl on the beach. The two parted ways and went over to the nooklings to get some new books. He forgot to visit your house again before he went home.



He fell asleep that night thinking of the girl he saw. Could that be the resident who moved in? No, of course not... right?



That night he found himself dreaming about a meteor shower. The stars were so pretty and he was sitting on a wood garden bench looking up at them. Someone passes by and stops as they reach him. It's the girl. She was standing there, eyes gleaming in the starlight, and she looked at him.  She looked at him with a curious and soft gaze, she smiles softly and everything feels ok. She's so perfect. She sits down next to him and says, "the stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?"




Her voice was so enchanting. So kind and so perfect. You were perfect to him and that's all that mattered at that moment.




I'm so sorry the chapters are short!! I would love to hear feedback from you! Yes, you reading the story! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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🌙Once in a dream🌌 BlathersxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now