Larry gasped when he saw this. 

“Because ROY is here, and he tied me up and I think he might be after Ludwig! I can’t escape these stupid ropes he tied me up with. I’m worried he might try killing Luddy to try and get rid of Kooky” exclaimed Junior, looking like he was going to tear up as he said this. 

Larry nodded, not even hearing the sound of heavy footsteps walking towards him, Bowser having gotten up to see what was going on. 

“Ok, ok….just….uh….stay calm. Me and the others will be there as soon as possible. I’m sure Roy’s not going to try and kill Ludwig to get rid of Kooky” whispered Larry, trying to get Junior to calm down. 

“What ABOUT Kooky?” asked Bowser menacingly, standing behind Larry, smoke puffing out of his nostrils. 

Larry jumped in fright, tossing his wand in the air accidentally. 

Bowser caught the wand, looking into the flame, seeing Junior on the other end. 

“Junior, what’s going on? Where are you and Ludwig REALLY?” asked Bowser angrily, growling. 

Junior gulped, Larry trying to jump up and grab his wand back, but Bowser was too tall for him to reach it. 

With Ludwig: 

Ludwig had made it to the very top of the battle tower, levitating a few meters above the floor. 

Roy came shortly after, standing on the moving platform he had ridden to the top. 

The second largest Koopaling took the chance to tackle his eldest brother, frightening Ludwig. 

Ludwig used his claws and scratched Roy’s face, causing the second largest to growl angrily, wiping the stray streaks to blood from his cheek. 

Ludwig had managed to slip away from Roy, glaring at his brother. 

Clenching his fists, Roy began walking towards Ludwig menacingly, the oldest Koopaling responding by backing away. 

Ludwig raised his wand, charging up another triple fireball attack with it, but Roy had quickly grabbed it and tossed it aside. 

The wand clattered to the floor a few meters away, too far for Ludwig to jump to to retrieve it. 

Ludwig growled, glaring as he continued to back away from Roy. 

Because the battle tower was as old and decrepit as the rest of the castle, there was a section of the tower that had crumbled to the ground, so anyone who wasn’t paying attention would end up falling off the edge unless they were careful. 

And unfortunately for Ludwig, he was not, still backing towards it to try and get away from Roy as the second largest continued to walk towards him menacingly. 

“This is what you WANTED, wasn’t it? You wanted me DEAD so YOU could become the next second in command. And then what? You’re going to kill Junior, too? You’re the second oldest, and the only thing standing between you and becoming the next heir is ME and JUNIOR! If something happens to Junior, then I become the heir again, but if something happens to ME, too, then YOU’LL become the heir. I must applaud you, BULLY Koopa, you’re smarter than I thought. Using me, KOOKY Von Koopa as an excuse to kill me and Junior. Well guess what? I WON’T LET YOU-” began Ludwig, having completely lost it, not even paying attention to where he was walking backwards, more focused on trying to uncover Roy’s intentions. 

Ludwig gasped when he felt his foot slip off the edge, his heart dropping, everything seeming to go in slow motion as his foot met nothing but air. 

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