Effie: Choice Board

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This is very important, readers.

So I can confirm,I still and will continue Not Just Me~ SEVIX, but this is just mostly about Effie.

So in my script for this, At first I was gonna kill Effie off,but then I was desperate for drama so I kept her for entertainment, and drama.

Throught the book,Effie will get annoyed with her long tangled hair,so in attempt to get rid of her long hair.
She's gonna cut it, and for that I am prepared,But.

Yeah,I have tons of hair styles for her,but I picked 3 specifically.

Here they are,I will be labeling them throught.

Here they are,I will be labeling them throught

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#0 Original style,original hair.Nothin special.

Nothin special

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#1 Option.
-Has a very short lose ponytail.
-2 long bangs each over her side.
-She still has that fluffy poof on top of her hair.

-She still has that fluffy poof on top of her hair

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#2 Option.
-Proffesional Bun.
-Still has those puffy hair bangs on the side of her cheeks.
-Very adorable in it but I cant choose.

#3 Option -Short ponytail,unlike option 1, it's not droopy

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#3 Option
-Short ponytail,unlike option 1, it's not droopy.
-Little higher than opt 1,so professional.
-Does NOT have bangs,but had those chunky bangs on both of her cheeks.

I-I cant decide, so yall decide p l e a s e,
I beg of you.


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