His hands never really left her side and even when they did, Natasha could still feel the heat that she gained from them.

She tried to force herself into his arms just to feel the connection because it was almost infectious to her.

Maybe even Addictive.

You would think that Natasha knew who her dance partner was but she always seemed to close her eyes when dancing with him, and he almost put a spell on her so that she would forget his face by morning.

Though the music had stopped, the dancers kept going.

She still turned and shuffled to the beat of her own shoes and his footsteps were heavy wherever they went, almost as if they left a noise behind that you could see.

As it came up to four o'clock, she noticed him distancing himself from her, letting her know that he had to go soon.

When the clock ticked on the exact mark of four in the morning, her waist went cold and he was gone.

She always found it so fascinating how he could disappear without making a sound yet when he was around, all she could hear were their footsteps. She also found it fascinating how he was the only person, probably in the world, who could sneak up on her like he did. Not even she herself was as good as him.

Natasha decided to stop soon after the man left. She took of her pointe shoes and went to put them in her locker with her other pair, only to notice that one of her pink pointe shoes were gone.

Panic set in and she looked around. "I need to get that shoe back." She said to herself quietly.

That same day - 7:25 AM

Natasha walked through to the kitchen to find four people who were already up and ready to go.

Peter sat cross legged on the ceiling above Sam who was sweaty from his run and casually drinking orange juice. They were having a quiet conversation, with Peter sometimes standing up to tell Sam something secret.

Steve sat on a dining chair watching the news on the hologram in front of him, occasionally took a sip of his coffee. He was slightly sweaty because of his race with Sam.

Wanda was sat on the window seat reading a book though she seemed to be more interested with the rain falling on the window than the actual words on her page.

"Hey Nat." Sam nodded and Natasha smiled back.

"Hey Sam, any coffee left?" She asked, pointing towards the Cafetière and he shook his head.

"Steve had what was left of Tony's." Sam looked towards Steve who wasn't paying any attention to anything else but the news.

"That will be the 'I'm still awake at 2am working at nothing' coffee then, will it?" Natasha raised her eyebrow.

"Also the 'I'm on my fourteenth can of RedBull and sixth cup of coffee' coffee." Peter said completely seriously while nodding. Sam and Natasha looked at each other and shook their heads, knowing that, that was probably a true statement.

"Peter, sweetheart, you know pepper doesn't like you being up there." Natasha told him. "Also remind me to book Tony in for rehab for caffeine addiction." She pointed to Sam.

"Will do." Sam nodded his head in agreement.

"Not yet, Mr Bucky isn't up yet and he said he won't believe I can stick to the ceiling until he sees it for himself." Peter explained with a smile.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "He's joking, Детский паук." Baby spider.

"No offence Мама-паук, but he doesn't seem like the joking type." Peter said kind of sarcastically. He didn't know wether to trust the woman who is seriously danger or the man who was even more dangerous than her.

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