The Dance

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It is a very therapeutic and creative way of letting out one's emotions.

Everyone can dance, some chose not to though. Those are the ones who say they can't dance.

Some are fantastic dancers, but are very private about it, and don't want anyone knowing they dance. Every time dance is mentioned in their presence, they tent to get embarrassed. Those are people who say they don't dance.

Some people are fantastic dancers and flaunt it, they can dance and they want the world to see they can dance. They want to dance in front of people and they never back down when someone doubts them. These people will say they can dance.

Though there are so many more other types of dancers in the world, the reason Natalia Romanava used dance is utterly different.

Yes, she used it to escape, like most do, but also to see, him.

Who is him? You ask?

I couldn't possibly tell you, neither could Natasha.

But whoever he was, she felt like she new him, for a long time, almost since childhood.

And whoever he was, she felt safe, and like she was in strong hands.

He didn't speak, nor did she. They just danced together.

Getting lost in the music that told their story that night.

Wednesday - 30th November - Avengers gym - 1 AM

Natasha slipped on her point shoes, black ones that Steve and Bucky had got as a joint Christmas present. They didn't know what to get her and Steve had mentioned that her point shoes were nearly on the void of falling off her feet. So they got her black ones, personalised, with her name carved into the shank. Though you can't see it anymore.

Natasha slashed the bottom of her point shoes to give them more grip, meaning you can't see her name anymore. But thankfully Bucky remembered that about her and how she did that in the red room so they got her name on the inside as well.

It was cold and late at night so Natasha wore a hoodie with her leggings. She was having a chill dance session tonight because she had had a pretty chill day.

She stared the music and stared dancing with her feet only, not really moving her arms except when need be. She moved around the floor, following the same track as always.

Turning, lunging, leaping.

In the most elegant way possible, making it look so easy.

The lights suddenly dimmed low and she knew what came next.

She did a leap before letting herself free fall backwards.

A hand was placed on her back, allowing her to curve her back even further and she extended her arms above her head. He then pulled back up and spun her out again.

I say this man danced with Natasha but really he just wanted to watch her.  He found her so mesmerising but he risked her asking questions if he just watched for most of it, so he started lifting her when it looked right, catching her when she looked like she was about to fall or sometimes even changing her position.

This man didn't know an awful lot about ballet but he knew a something or other about hand to hand combat. And he could tell if her body stance was going to help her do a certain dance move.

It was three in the morning and they had danced for two hours straight, like every morning and the sun was starting to rise over the lake that was outside the campus.

BuckyNat one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora