Jealous ~Preath

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"No I told her I am not one on those girls she can mess with"

"Well done Chris"  Alex told me 

"Besides she dosen't need to know I still have a crush on her and I want to be with her" I said "and if she wants me back she'll have to win me back"

"and how long do you think you can fake that?" Alex told me

"I don't know actually" I sighed "can I stay with you guys I don't think I can go back to that room at least not yet"

"Yeah sure lets play mario kart" Kelley said

"Oh my god you are such a child" Alex said and we laughed

"Get ready to get crushed Press!" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah sure yeah right Kelley" I sat next to her and we turned on the game.

Tobin's Pov

After what Chris told me I called Allie over.

"Harry I messed up" I said

"You did Harry" she sat down 

"you are not helping " I glared at her 

"You really think she was going to be up for hook ups?" she asked

"Honestly yes" I said

"Harry no she is Christen Press After all you need to make this up"

"Yeah I need your help please Harry"

"Fine but just because  you are my best friend" She said

"Okay so what do I do?"

"Well we have a few days until our next game and then pressy goes back home so I think what you should do this few days is show her you had changed"

"And how do I do it?"

"I don't know she likes flowers and chocolate get her those things" she told me 

"Thanks I will" I said

"Now its getting late I should go back to my room"  she smiled "goodnight harry" she walked out 

I was going to do whatever it took for christen's heart to be mine again. I went to bed that night thinking on how I was going to win her back.The next day I woke up early and went for a run

Christen's Pov

We had a fun night with Kelley and Alex I went back to my room to get ready for the day when I walked in Tobin was gone Thank god I took a shower and got my training gear on.
"Morning"  Tobin's voice said and I turned around

"Tobin" I said "you should be at breakfast with the rest of the team" 

"yes but 1st I came here to give you this" she gave me a rose 

"A flower?" I asked

"Yes and I'll keep giving you one until you forgive me I know you love me I also know I acted like and Idiot and you have all the right to be mad at me but I'll fight for your love" she walked out 

I looked down and the flower and left it in my bed I walked to breakfast and sat with Kelley,Alex,Pinoe,Ali,Ash and Mal

"Hey  Chris" They all said hi to me and sat down \

"Hi guys" I smiled

"soo anything changed?"  Kelley asked me

"Yeah she gave me a rose this morning" I said

"well that girl is in love with you" Alex told me

A few days later 

"Oh come on Press go have fun" Kelley told me after winning the game we had against spain the whole team was going to party 

"I don't know"I said 

"Oh come on have fun its going to make you forget about tobin" Pinoe said

"Fine lets go" 

We got in an uber and we went to a bar we drank we had fun we dance and when I was dancing around with a girl I just meet someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom 

"Tobin what the hell!" I looked at her annoyed 

"What I am I supposed to do sit while you are dancing with another girl" she said in a possesive tone 

"why do you care we are not a thing I can fun if I want too" I huffed anoyed "now I am going back to go have fun" I was about to walk out when she pulled me back and kissed me I kissed her back and soon that kiss turned into a passionate Make out sesion before things got out of hand 

"Christen Press I know I messed up I really did but I just can't see you with other people I promise I changed I want you and Only you not any other girl I want to hold you hand kiss you make you mine and told you how much I love you"

I smiled "Is toby here Jealous?" I smiked

"Yes I am want you and Only you forever" she said

"Good because I am yours from now on" we both went back to the hotel with the exuse that I was feeling sick. That night was one of the most amazing nights in my whole Life Finally Tobin Heath was mine forever. A few months later Tobin was possive over me not that I am complaining but Jealous tobin was so cute everytime we went to a party she was overprotective over me and that was cute. 

A/N:Yes here is another oneshot I wrote because I was being bored but anyways Request open for whatever oneshot you guys want me to write :)

𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang