part yeo

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  Mushika grew from an excitable little kid who had dreams of becoming royalty to an awkward misfit as a child to a mature, intelligent though shy lady. As the years passed and the demand for the future empress grew nearer the nuns began to worry.
  The heir to the throne while a perfectly fine young lady with an already impressive social standing in the school which was helped by her good and friendly nature was simply not cut out for the challenging and tedious work of ruling a kingdom. While she would certainly lead a wonderful life as a member of the upper crust of society the job of a ruler would be a nightmare for her and her citizens. The nuns put their duty to the children above all else so it was obvious that if they could stop the child they had been entrusted with nearly fifteen years ago from a life of misery and hardship then it wasn’t even a choice. But who would take her place?
  After many months of secret meetings, counsels, and discussions it was decided that whoever had shown the most intelligence, maturity, and wisdom to earn the right to wear the crown would be bestowed the honor of leading their country. And just a week before the girl was to be handed over the new ruler was chosen having the majority of the nuns voting for the top student of the graduating class miss. mushika agyrits. She was brought into the headmaster’s office a few days before the identity of the princess would be announced and was briefed on the situation.
  “You see mushika we chose you to become the new empress we believe you out of this entire school has the drive and ability to end this era of madness that we live in now and return this kingdom to it’s former peaceful and thriving state do you accept this offer my dear” the question was asked in a warm and kind tone that indicated that it truly was up to her and they would have no trouble at all if she refused the call of fulfilling her childhood dream. She sat in stunned silence for what felt like hours. It was a once in a lifetime chance and was something that would almost certainly make her life a million times more rewarding than if she simply followed the path she was on and became a well-educated lady who while still able to do more than the average commoner couldn’t even dream of the absolute height of power the empress would have. It was however going to completely flip her life around and give her far too much power and responsibility than she could handle. It would completely absorb all her life to become the empress and would have many people upset and even violent towards her if she said yes.
  The thing that made her decide to take the opportunity was none of those things but something much more simple and down to earth. Her dad. Her dad would be proud of her if she not only chose this path but actually tried her best to lead the country out of the dark swamp they had fallen into after the massacre. With that thought in mind she turned to the nuns and gave them her blessing.
  The nuns were overjoyed at the news. The child they had raised since birth would lead the uncomplicated happy life that she would in no way be able to earn if she went down the path her blood decreed she should follow. And the kingdom would have an empress that would be much more suited to the job than the one who only had her heritage as an asset. Their minds were the only ones who had no doubts about the situation only pure unabashed joy with complete faith in the girl positive she would save the kingdom. Mushika however was under no such delusions. She was in a state of shock and awe at her actions. Was it the right choice? Was it even under her control? What would she do now? All those thoughts and others like it dominated her mind for the rest of the evening and only grew in the coming weeks.
  Time went by quickly after that. The royal regent came to collect her on the 15th the princesses official birthday and the day she was legally allowed to become head of the kingdom. She was too caught up in the flurry of constant hovering, being swarmed with questions and inquiries about herself, and the planning of her coronation to have a moment to breathe and properly contemplate the new life she had stumbled into. The only time she had to herself without hundreds of servants, lady’s in waiting, and government officials breathing down her neck was during the night when she was left alone in her new room which was the size of three homes in her old neighborhood. During those peaceful nights that was such a sharp change from the chaotic events of the day that it almost gave her whiplash, she lay perfectly still on her new four-poster bed looking at the silk sheet of the canopy above her and letting everything just wash over her.
   Her dad would be proud she knew it was the only thing that brought a smile to her face. He had been put in a retirement home long ago when both his mind and body were too old and tired to continue living as if he were young again. Mushika visited him often when she was still at school briefly she wondered if she could still see him without the media turning it into a publicity stunt. She supposed she could the guards seemed nice and with the war still going on everybody greatly understood the need to be close to those you considered family so it wouldn’t look suspicious to visit someone who could very well be a chosen family member especially when her backstory stated her to be an orphan. It was only natural that she would have created her own family throughout her life. The nuns let the students head out to the villages on weekends and holidays to see their families and have some time away from the school so it wasn’t hard to come up with a reason for their meeting. Yes she concluded their wouldn’t be any trouble at all to visit her father even if she supposed she couldn’t see him as often with her new duties.
  All in all the palace life was not a bad one she would be slowly introduced to the tasks of running a kingdom so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed too quickly and everyone she had met so far was understanding and kind to her not even suspecting her of being an imposter as she had no knowledge on her royal heritage or the interworking’s of the kingdom due to her supposedly being in the care of the nuns for all of her life. It was also fascinating work to learn the intricate details of how everything was being put together to simply give the people of the country what they needed to live their lives and in turn give back to the kingdom by working. She decided that while chaotic and a bit too much at times she made the right choice in accepting the offer.
  The kingdom was in full agreement with her not knowing of her identity theft of course but they still were very proud of the future empress. Rumors circulated around the land whispered by gossipy ladies at book clubs, shouted by their husbands at the local taverns, and told in eager giggles by children that the long lost princess had been sent by God himself to end the war and bring saint Frollo to justice avenging those who had died by his hands. The news had reached the ears of the man himself being told by every one of his followers and them volunteering to do whatever he commanded to stop the new ruler from ever finding their leader ruining their entire secret society of evil.
  Frollo had called a meeting immediately every member required to attend with the threat of murder being heavily implied if they failed to show. The hall was packed the dark blood-red walls looking even more menacing now that it was being lit up by the lights with millions of men seated at the long mahogany trestle table in the center of the room enjoying the feast that was always a necessity at such a big gathering of people. Before the feast could begin however Frollo had to share his master plan to take care of this new threat to his power. He stood up raising his glass and tapping it gently with his spoon getting the entire rooms attention and total silence had been reached only a moment after.
  “Gentlemen as you all know the new princess of the kingdom will be coronated in one weeks time we can not allow this to happen the more organized this kingdom becomes the closer I come to being captured and hanged leaving everything we have worked for to be destroyed the inferior dregs of society will infect the rest of the population dragging them down and turning our world into one of their rat-infested ghettos where crime and poverty run rampant that is why we must purge them from this world before they destroy us and have us live in the lawless terrifying hell that they wish for everyday. Now to get back to business does anyone here work in the castle and can be close to the princess?” A few raised their hands eager to do anything they could to serve their faithful master. Frollo swept his eyes over the crowd carefully weighing each option offered to him. Finally he made his decision.
  His long finger pointed to a beefy man wearing a light brown tunic and in a cold and chilling voice said “You there what is your relation to the princess” the man clearly scared and flustered somehow stuttered out “I-I-I'm a servant at the castle master I clean mostly but I also run errands for anyone higher who's nearby I know it’s mere humble work and I apologize but I truly believe that if you bestow upon me this honor I will not let you down and make sure the princess will never so much as breathe again” He was white as a sheet with a sheen of sweat coating his face praying his master would be merciful and give him the honor of assassinating the child who could bring about the end of their efforts to keep this world from becoming hell on earth.
  It was tense in the hall everyone held their breath eyes glued to the scene fearful for their brother. Frollo waited to answer the man reviling in the terror he created by his mere existence among his underlings. Finally he spoke “You have been chosen to assassinate the girl it will be done as painfully as possible to serve as a warning to anyone who dares to even think of opposing me again.” The man nodded his head like a bobblehead dreading the question he now had to ask as Frollo never gave all the information his followers needed to complete their tasks preferring them to have to ask for clarification so he could watch the squirm and extract the maximum amount of pain and suffering he could for his entertainment and pleasure. The man took a deep breath and hurriedly asked for the crucial detail he had left out. “What is the method she should be killed by sire” Frollo gave a twisted cruel smile as he gave out the way his enemy would perish. “Burn her”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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