Chapter 2.

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"One minute until landing. Please remain seated and fasten your seat belts. Thank you for flying with us, we hope to see you soon." How many times are they gonna say that in 10 minutes?
I look to my left and peer out the plane window. Below me I see the city of San Francisco, and honestly it's beautiful. The city's lights are all on, and the sun is just setting so the whole city has an orange glow. This sure beats upstate New York. Who knows, maybe I'll really like it here.
"Oh my god Hailey I can not believe we are here!" "I know mom, you can't believe it. Your so excited to see the new house, to start a new life and meet new people. I heard you the whole 6 hour flight. " my mothers big smile faded. She whipped her short brown hair around her shoulder and sighs. "Mom I'm sorry, I'm just a little upset that I'm not in New York anymore and that I had to leave my friends. I'm sure California's going to be great for us."
Her smile widens again, her teeth sparkling from whitening them so much. Next thing I know my mothers arms are squishing me, bear hugging me. She starts to shriek like a 7 year old girl opening up a Barbie for her birthday.
It's been half an hour sense we got off the plane, and we are still waiting for our suit cases. "Mom I'm so hungry." "Hailey I know but I am not leaving to go get food so some scum bag can steal our stuff." "Someone gets a little cranky when they're hungry." I hear her sigh and chuckle a little. I do love my mom, and I don't know why I take my anger out of her, but I have to try and stop that. She hasn't done anything but helped me and been there for me my whole life. I need to start appreciating it and her more.
15 minutes later the suit cases finally come out. "About fucking time." My mother whispers under her breath. I try not to laugh but I end up not being able to breathe because of my mothers snooty comment, her laughing also by my side.
"Taxi!" I turn to the left and see my mother angrily shaking her arm towards us. That woman has no patients. I don't either, I guess it runs in the family. "Seriously about 6 taxis have passed by me and just went to another person! Am I just invisible to taxi drivers?" My mother turns towards me and raises her arms as if I have the answer. I shrug, she grunts and rolls her eyes turning to her left to see if any more taxis are coming our way. There is a light drizzle falling, and I hear the drops against the top of my umbrella. It's been 10 minutes sense we finally got our bags. I check my phone for the time and it reads 8:07 pm. It is now dark and I am even more hungry than before.
"About fucking time" my mother says, barely audible, as a taxi pulls up to us. "Where to ladies?" The driver says as we open the car door and climb in the back. He has dark hair and dark eyes and a mustache. Looks like he's in his mid 50s. "Where's the nearest burger place?" "Five guys. Great place. Has amazing burgers and the best fries you'll ever have." "Sounds pretty good, take us there please." She says with a smile. "What brings you girls to San Francisco?" The taxi driver asks. Obviously just trying to make conversation so it's not awkward. "Actually we just moved here! We came from Syracuse New York. Fresh new start." My mom says grinning ear to ear. I'm really happy that she's happy to be here. "Well, welcome to San Francisco. Your gonna love it." He says smiling. Who knows, maybe I will.

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