Chapter 3~

3 1 0

Word Count: 857

The pair had both gone to try and get new partners, and both were told no. Neither had liked the other. Their patrols were silent or filled with sly comments attacking each other. After a while, Bakugo couldn't take it anymore and begged to have Red Riot go with the two on patrol. He soon regretted that decision.

"Oh my god, you're Red Riot!" Y/N's face lit up when she saw Red Riot standing next to her.... partner.

"Yeah! You must be Night Otter?"

"The one and only. But please call me Y/N." Y/N reached into her jacket and pulled out a small notebook. "I know it's kind of cheezy, but do you mind signing my book? I'm trying to get signatures from all my favorite heros." Red Riot could feel his heart melt. He had a fan! He took the notebook and pen from Y/N and happily signed the book. 

'Who in fucking hell does she have in that book? And why is this the first I'm seeing it? Why hasn't she asked for my signature?' Bakugo hated to say it, but he was jealous. You asked Kirishima, but not to sign it. 

The three soon after left on their patrol. They hadn't said much until Red Riot looked down at Y/N and asked, "Who else is in that book of yours?" Y/N went into her jacket pocket and flipped through the pages.

"Only a couple heros, most from UA. I have Uravity, Ingenium, Froppy, and Creati from your class. I also have Erassignatured Midnight." Y/N flipped to the front of the book to her favorite signature. "I also have my favorite heros signature... Deku!" 

Just the mention of his hero name made Bakugo fume with rage. 'She had the NERD in her book and didn't want HIS?!' 

"I'm trying to get most of your friends to sign it actually. Pinky, Cellophane, Chargebolt, and Earphone Jack."

Kirishima looked at her in surprise and slight worry. "You know a lot about my class don't you?"

"I know it sounds a bit creepy, but you were the year ahead of me at UA, so we heard and saw you all a lot. We heard stories of how you all fought hard in the USJ incident, and how you were the reason they got dorms at UA. And with those stories, it felt like we all knew you really well. Everyone in your class was an inspiration to mine. Most of my class had a favorite from your class. A hero we all wanted to be. Actually, most of your class has a huge following." Kirishima was slightly blushing. Their class had shown a new generation what a hero was. Kirishima could take some pride in the fact that his class had made a name for themselves and was able to inspire the next class of heroes.

"Why is Deku your favorite?" An angry voice from behind them spoke up. Y/N had almost forgotten Bakugo was there.

"Why does it matter to you?" Y/N's tone matched his.

"Answer the damn question shitty woman!" Bakugo had small explosions coming off his hands as he towered over Y/N. She rolled her eyes as Kirishima stepped between them.

"Hey, man chill out. She has the right to like whatever hero she wants to." Bakugo backed up and clicked his tongue, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. Kirishima turned back to Y/N. "Why is he your favorite though?"

"Well, I knew of Deku in middle school. Back then he was just the quirkless kid with the mean bully. When I heard that he was still fighting to be a hero, it inspired me to do the same. He has inherited his quirk now, but it still pushed me to do the best I could." Y/N looked up to meet Kirishima's eye, giving him a small smile. The three walked in silence once again.

"Want to come and hang out with us later?" Kirishima's question came out of nowhere. "I know you and I just met, and I don't think you and Bakugo are the greatest friends, but you could meet the rest of our friends. I think we're having a movie night in about a week if you want to come over and hang out." 

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, man!" Y/N did a little dance. One of her favorite heros had just asked her to come and hang out with more of her favorite heroes.

"There's no way she's going." Y/N felt her smile fall. 'I keep forgetting this asshole is here.'

"Aw come on Bakubro! It's just this one time. Please?" Bakugo wasn't happy. He didn't want to deal with Y/N more than he had to. But how can a guy look into Kirishima's puppy dog eyes and say no? Bakugo knew that his friend always wanted people to be happy.


"Yes!" Kirishima and Y/N continued talking about when it was, and where. As the two planned and talked the rest of the patrol, Bakugo silently followed behind. He was stuck with ANOTHER quirkless. Even if he was angry she was meeting his friends, a small part of him was happy. 'Maybe if she hangs out with them, I can stand her a little more.'

a/n: I know it's a short chapter, but the next one will be longer. It's also like 2 am and I have tons of school and have to work, so I don't get to write as much as I want to. I hope you continue reading and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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