Chapter 1

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Alone that's how I always am , with no friends and l hardly ever see my parents because they only come home once a while and when they are home they are either drunk or high

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Alone that's how I always am , with no friends and l hardly ever see my parents because they only come home once a while and when they are home they are either drunk or high

Am kind of a nerd at school l don't talk to anyone,don't have friends and am always buried in my books some people have tried talking to me but l ignore them

Am kinda short for anybody my age coz l almost look like a 9 year old while am actually 12 am as for my weight am malnourished and you can practically all bones and it's because I don't get enough food, the only time I get food is when my parents come home and they bring a few things that only last me 2 weeks and l skip meals so the food lasts me until my parents come again

When I see other parents with their kids l wish that was me l wonder how it would feel having loving parents who would do anything for you but l'll never know because l doubt my parents care for me who am I kidding they don't care at all and it hurts knowing that am unwanted and unloved

A month and a week have passed and my parents haven't come home which is strange because they always make it a point to come every month and l haven't had anything to eat in 3day,the electricity has been shut down and l don't know what to do l've tried looking for a job but no one agreed because am still young

I was lost in my thoughts when l heard a knock and l opened the door to see two police officers

"Alessandra Thomson"one of the officers said

"Yes that's me"l said softly

"Alessandra am David and this is my partner Cole we are police officers and we have bad news"officer David said and l held my breath to hear the bad news which l pressured had to do with my parents

"Jessica and Castor Thomson whom l presume are your parents were arrested for drug trafficking 2 days ago"David concluded and l felt nothing

Truthfully I didn't know my parents they were like a mystery l never got to solve they never cared about me and in time l got used to being alone so being told that l was going to be alone again didn't bother me much

The police officers seemed taken aback by my reaction l guess they wanted me to cry but l couldn't cry atleast not for them no after they forgot me, starved me ,abondoned me l would never give them my tears they didn't deserve them

"What's going to happen to me"l broke the silence

"Well we firstly have to check if you have any relatives then after that your social worker will take over"Cole said

I went inside and packed my clothes which wasn't much and put them in my school backpack then we went to the police station and they took my fingerprints and my blood and they gave me some snacks to eat which l hardly touched

After about 4hours the officers came with a beautiful lady and she was professional dressed and she the news she gave me was shocking

Jessica and Castor are not my parents and my biological father has agreed to take me in OMG

Salvatore Ferragamo(father)

Being a father to 9 boys isn't easy and especially if 5 of them are teenages and they don't get along

My first wife Alessia and l were in an arranged marriage and we had 5 children together Alessandro, Salvador, Gianni, Giovanni and Antonio but we never loved each other despite having a family but the difference between me and her as that no matter what l didn't abandon my family like she did

She never cared about the kids and 13 years ago she disappeared for the whole year until she came back and told me she wanted to be a good mother to our children and l gave her a chance but she disappeared 3 months after that and she stole my money and left signed divorce papers

A few months after Alessia left a got a phone call from a woman l had a one night stand with and she told me l had a son and l did a DNA test and it was positive but my sons didn't take the news very well especially after l had told them that l was going to marry Cora my son's mother

Cora already had 3 sons Lorenzo, Landon and Massimo and we named our last son Roman

The boys hate each but l know my stepsons don't hate my boys l mean they've always tried to get along with them but my boys have always turned them down and they even hate Roman their half brother

I was in my office when my assistant told me that l had a call from a social worker in New York

Hello am l speaking to  Mr Ferragamo

Si how can l help you

Mr Ferragamo am Mellisa Winchester am a social worker am calling you regarding your daughter

What are you talking about l don't have a daughter l think you got the wrong number

Mr Ferragamo am definitely not mistaken we ran a DNA test on your daughter and it matches yours and you and your ex wife are registered as her parents

I'll be taking the next flight to New York emmediatly and l want to take my own DNA test ,How old is she

She's twelve years old and her adoptive parents were arrested so we wanted to know if you could take her in .....we tried locating your ex wife but we couldn't locate her

If she is really my daughter then l'll definitely take her in

We'll be expecting you Mr Ferragamo

Take care of her until l reach Ms Winchester


lessia what have you done,l can't believe l might have a daughter l wonder how the boys will react


Allesandro 24 years old (brothers)

Salvador 22 years old

Gianni 20 years old

Giovanni 17 years old

Antonio 15 years old


Lorenzo 22 years old (stepbrother)

Landon 17 years old

Massimo 16 years old


Roman 12 years old (half brother)

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