"No. I feel okay," I responded. "Well, your test results say you're fine. There's no sign of strain from your body. The CT scans didn't find anything either." Dr. Drew stood up from his chair. "If it's alright, I'm gonna speak to your parents outside to see what the next step should be, okay?"

I nodded as everyone left the room and shut the door leaving me inside. I laid back down on the hospital bed and gazed at the ceiling. What could I say in this situation? Earlier I asked for proof to see if 3 months had really passed. Once my mom showed me the date on her phone, only then I truly believed what I had been told. I had been in a coma for 3 months. It was unbelievable! I thought back on the day of my birthday. Had I stressed me out so bad, that I put myself in a coma? I was in a state of panic because of that horrible dream I had. I thought I had been rejected by my mate, and then I shifted into my wolf and died. At least, I think all that was a dream. Nothing this extreme had ever happened in my life. I thought back to what mom said earlier.

'There was a time...that your heart had stopped'

Fear instantly made me sit up in the bed and grip my chest. I listened to the sound of my heartbeat as it quickened from my anxiety.

Ba-bump! Ba-bump! Ba-bump!

'Calm down Rose. You're okay. You're alive.' I thought, but that didn't make it slow down. My heart stopped beating? So I technically died, but the revived me back? God, this was insane! I didn't know what to think, but I felt terrified most of all.


"Rose are you sure?" My dad asked as he and mom watched me get ready to leave the house. It had been 2 weeks since I was discharged from the hospital. I would have gone to school a week earlier, but they wouldn't have it. Mom and dad had been on me like a hawk soaring over its prey. Not to say it in a bad way, but because I gave them such a bad scare, they made it their priority to watch over me as if their lives depended on it. I love my parents, and I also would have loved to stay home longer. However, I couldn't just stay home forever. I was already 3 months and 2 weeks behind in school. That meant I had to catch up on a lot of work. Mom had called the school telling them my situation, and I had been excused, and there was already a plan on how to catch up with school work. I would find out once I made it to school today.

"Yeah, honey. You can stay one more week if you want. I'll call the school and tell them you need more time." Mom said desperately. They really wanted me to stay.

I smiled, "Mom. Dad. I'm gonna be okay. I promise. Thank you for taking care of me this whole time." Mom became teary-eyed as she and dad pulled me in a soft embrace. I hugged them back as we stayed that way for a minute. Once we pulled away dad spoke once more, "Give us a call if anything happens. We won't call during your classes, but we will send texts. Please respond to them okay?"

"I will. Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" I said enthusiastically trying to lighten the mood. They gave small smiles as they watched me walk out of the house and up the street.

As I walked I thought, 'Let's do this.'


There it was. Solar Moon High. I looked around seeing students walk into the school. Everything looked the same, so I guess that was good. Nothing had changed. I stopped in my tracks and felt handshaking. I was nervous. Extremely nervous. Terrifyingly nervous! I tried to bring back the little confidence I had earlier when I left home, but to no avail. Okay.

'Take a deep breath, Rose. You're fine. Just be you and everything will be fine.' I felt the shaking stop as I looked at the school. For extra precautions, I put my hoodie on and kept my head down as I entered the school. No one noticed me, awesome!

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