💌Oka x Budo

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Oka walked to school clenching her books in her hand she had received a love letter yesterday saying that they wanted to confess today,Friday at 5:30, she was scared she thought it was a prank and she would get hurt but she had a bit of hope,hope that someone did show interest in her. She hoped someone liked her it would make her feel happy hopefully it was her crush who sent that yet,Oka pushed that thought out of her head and went to class she got there and sat down and saw her crush Budo sit down next to her she blushed slightly she put her head down sighing she wanted the day to be over with she was curious at who it was she wanted to know,it dreaded her all day she ignored her teacher because she didn't really care what her teacher was saying.

Lunch time rolled around and she went to her locker again to get her lunch. When again she saw a pink note fall to the ground.

"Again..? T-thats odd.." she murmered to herself and opened the note

Hey Oka it's me your secret admirer and I wanted to leave an extra note because I uh,love you alot and I tried to make you some lunch since when I see you sometimes and once in a while you don't eat any lunch and I wanted to make you some so you're healthy and have more protein to finish the day!
Love,Your secret admirer

Oka smiled and chuckled a bit she was happy about it she couldn't stop her heart beating so fast it was so sweet to her. She couldn't wait to tell her freind,Horuda about it

Budo's pov
I watched her read the note and saw hiw happy she was! I rarely got to see that smile and she smiled because of what I said woo! I can't wait to confess to her!

Me and Oka usually eat lunch but I made my lunch and the one I made her look exactly the same and I don't want her to know it's me yet! Usually when we don't eat together she eats with Supuna and Kokuma but sometimes they all eat together with the club plus Horuda. But sadly Horuda is usually alone or with those delinquents but they protect her though.

"H-hey Horuda..." Oka sat down right by her I sat down somewhere near there so I could listen to them

"H-hey Oka.. h-how are y-you..?" Horuda replied with a small smile and Oka opened the lunch I made!

"I-I'm alright..I got a-another note..from them..and i-it said t-they made m-me.. a bento.." Oka giggled she was delighted she was so happy. I was the one to make her giggled I threw my fist in the air in victory

"That's s-so sweet..!" Horuda smiled "Who d-do you think i-it is..? Or w-who do y-you h-hope it is..?"

"W-well I don't k-know w-who but I d-do hope it's B-budo.." Oka played with her fingers and my heart exploded she hoped it was me! Yes I gotta go to the club room and tell them my success!

After school

3rd pov
Oka trailed up to the cherry blossom tree with her head down slightly. She was a bit fearful it was a prank but would Musume and the others really go that far to make her a really good lunch? Oka didn't think so. She went up there and waited for awhile,she checked the time on her phone and it was 5:45

"W-was this just a p-prank..?" Oka felt saddened and tears pricked her eyes,maybe it was just Musumes bad prabk but she would be her laughing at her atleast until she heard footsteps and turnd around

"Oka! I'm so sorry I'm late!" Budo apologized huffing and puffing he was out of breath. Oka quickly wiped her eyes and started at him

"W-wait! S-so you w-wanted to m-meet me here..?!" Oka was shocked and flustered "No w-wonder the b-bento looked so s-similar.."

"Heh,yeah but I truly do like you! And I really hope your accept my confession!" Budo bowed straight and Oka waved her hands in her face

"B-budo! There's n-no need to bow..but yes I d-do a-accept your c-confession.." Oka stuttered out looking down blushed

Budo once again pounded his fist in the air in victory and gave Oka a soul crushing hug lifting her high above the ground Oka was flustered even more now

"Yes! So that means we're boyfriend and Girlfriend now!" Budo was beyond happy he was on cloud nine. He set Oka down gently and patted her on the head

"Could I kiss you..?" Budo blushed as Oka nodded quickly. Budo took her chin and pressed his lips against hers and she kissed back it was awkward but adorable and magical to say the least

"A-aw..I'm happy i-it w-was B-budo-san t-than someone b-bad.." Horuda said from a distance

"Horuda? Why did you bring me here to see this cheesy confessfion?!" Umeji asked clearly annoyed

"I w-wanted to m-make sure it w-wasn't a p-prank! A-and if i-it was y-you would h-have Oka if it w-was.." Horuda said bringing her head down "I d-didn't mean t-to w-waste your time.." Umeji immediately felt guilty and patted her head and apologized

'Maybe next friday. I could confess to you..' Umeji thought looking down at Horuda a small smile crept on his face

"Why a-are s-smiling like that..? Umeji..?" Horuda waved her hand in his face and his smiled turned into a frown and grumble

"NOTHING! They are just cute that's all!" Umeji made a half lie excuse as Horuda giggled. He smiled again

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