7: The West End House

Start from the beginning

"Emmet, can you take over for me?" Michael removes his apron and hands it over to a chef with striking red hair.

"Sure thing, boss." Emmet smiles my way and returns to his work.

"Boss?" I snicker as Michael grabs my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen with him. Glancing back at my table, my family is still giving Rae goo-goo eyes. I follow Michael back to his dad's office. Not much has change, I notice; stacks of paper work and inventory sheets strewn across the desk, photographs of the entire family all across the walls, the old chipped snow globe I had accidentally knocked off the bookshelf dusting. I wonder if his dad ever noticed?

Michael closes the door for some privacy as I look over the photos of a much younger Michael along the wall.

"I remember this," I point to Michael with an accordion keyboard and giggle. "Do you still play that thing?" Michael's arms snake around my waist and his lips press against the back of my neck.

"Mmm I do. Ladies love it," he jokes. "Where have you been?"

I turn in his arms and he presses me against the wall, pinning me with his hips. I stroke his tie between my fingers and then give it a little tug. "What do you mean? You know where I live."

"I put my number in your phone." He kisses me before he continues. "I've been waiting for you to call me."

This time I kiss him. "I had no idea. You should have told me."

He cups my face and plants tiny kisses on the corners of my smile. I love having his tall and broad frame tower over me. "It was meant to be a surprise. You were supposed to scroll through your contacts and see my handsome face on your screen."

"Hmm. Maybe you should have texted yourself with my phone so you'd have my number. Then, you could have called me and I still would have been surprised to see your handsome face on my screen."

"Good point. It's a good thing you like me for my looks and not my brain."

"Yes, lucky you," I grab his neck and crush my lips against his. Michael's hands squeeze my hips before wandering off on their own. They make their way north where he cups my breasts. I moan into his mouth. Here we are making out like a couple of teenagers. I drop my hand to his growing erection and give him a nice firm grasp. He groans and kisses me harder.

"Hey Mike, ya back here, ya dosser?" Michael steps back until he's behind the office chair. It covers his obvious hard-on and I snicker. I grab my blouse by the hem and straighten it out as the door flies open. "Oh," an older gentleman looks alarmed. "Sorry! Aye, Mikey, is this your mot?"

Knowing "mot" means "girlfriend" I flush, embarrassed. Michael stutters, unsure of what to say.

"No, I'm not. I'm just an old friend." I walk up to the man and shake his hand. "Hi, my name's Frankie."

"Ah, aye. I've heard of you. Pleased to meet ya. I'm Colum. Mikey, yer ma has been shouting around for you."

"Ah, thanks, Colum. I'll be right out." Colum gave me a small smile before leaving the office. "Sorry, Bean. Will you wait here for me?" Michael adjusts his tie, eyeing me.

"Actually, I'm here for dinner with my family." I point out of the office toward the rest of the restaurant.

Michael frowns. "Oh. Okay. Well great! Let me go say 'hi'!" He walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I trail behind him out to the restaurant, all the way to the table where my rather loud and boisterous family are seated.

Rae stands immediately and gushed over Michael, giving him a quick hug. "I was so hoping you would be here! I have the best news! I had to beg your mom to get you out of the kitchen!"

I take my seat next to Rae and take a sip of water. Rae sits back down as Michael says his hellos to the rest of the family. Rae impatiently waits for his attention. When he finally looks back at her, she's practically shaking with the need to tell him something.

"You'll never guess who I saw the other day!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot you ran into an old friend?" Michael scratches his scruff before folding his arms in front of him.

Rae looks at me, then back at him. "Yes, did Frankie tell you that?"

We both nod.

"Yes, well, anyway, I was trying on these amazing knee-high boots and let me tell you, 'amazing' is an understatement. I really should have gotten them." She looks at Carl who is hanging on her every word, agreeing. "Maybe I'll go back and get them tomorrow."

"You should, babe. They were amazing." Carl smiles. Poor schmuck.

"I should! And I will." Rae beams and faces Michael.

"Rae? Friend?" Michael patiently reminds her. I take another sip of water to hide my smirk.

"Oh, yes! So I was looking in the mirror to see how the boots looked and in walks Jane! You remember Jane, right?"

I choke, nearly spitting my water across the table and into Uncle Geoff's face. "Excuse me," I mutter as I use a napkin to dab my mouth.

"Jane," Michael smiles. "Wow." I can't blame him for his reaction. Jane was his first love.

"Yes!" Rae claps excitedly and looks at me. She knows this is bad news for me. Oh, she knows. "And I invited her to the New Years Eve party!"

Well. Fuck.

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