Chapter 1: Escape from Marley

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Y/n L/n, also know as the Ultimate Titan. A Titan that is on par with the Founding Titan. He came from a royal blood and now one of Marley's warriors. He was just living a normal life on Marley. He has his friends or what he call his family. This friends of his are also Titan shifters. Reiner, Bertholdt and his childhood friend Annie. Y/n and Annie are the closest of friends. Whenever Y/n goes, Annie was always there with him. Now the two of them are having a little walk around town.

Y/n: So how's your powers coming along?

Annie: I still need getting used to it. I'm not like you.

Y/n: You'll probably master it. Once you have, it'll be easy.

Annie: You're right. What about you? How are your powers.

Y/n: Been training for awhile to make my transformation longer and to reduce the energy I used.

Annie: How long can you hold it now?

Y/n: A day.

Annie: Wow that amazing. I can hold for an hour. I guess I need more training after this. I still can't believe you can talk while you're in Titan form.

Y/n: I don't even know how I can do that. I literally open my mouth to talk to you guys and it just happen. I know we can talk through our mind when we're in Titan form but in my case, I can also talk to people.

They continued walking until it was time for their training. Y/n was just watching them hone their skills in martial arts. Annie was doing great, Reiner is catching up, Bertholdt...... nothing much to be honest. Y/n stood up and went for a walk around the place until he heard someone talking.

???: Do you think the kids are ready?

???: Yes. In case it goes south, we have Y/n to look after them.

???: I hope you're right about this. They're just children.

???: We don't have a choice. We must find the Founding Titan's power to initiate our plans to rule over thwm using the titans.

???: Ok then, I'll follow you on that.

???: Good.

The two people talking went on their separate ways. They didn't even know Y/n was listening to whole plan. He quickly went to his room and pack all of his things. Then came a knock on his room.

Annie: Y/n are you there?

Y/n: Yeah, you can come in.

Annie went inside his room and saw him packing all of his things in a bag.

Annie: What's going on? Where are you going?

Y/n saw his best friend looking at him with a concern look on her face. He went to her and hold her hands.

Y/n: Look Annie, I'm gonna get out of here. I heard everything, what their plan really is. They are only using us for their own good. We are just tools to their plans.

Annie: But they said it will help humanity kill all the titans.

Y/n: They're doing the opposite. They are using the Titans to kill all humanity. Are you gonna come with me? Or stay here and be used as a tool?

Annie was looking down and was quite for a minute until she looked back at him straight in the eyes.

Annie: I'm staying.

Y/n: *sigh* I know I won't win if I argue with you.

Y/n hugged Annie as she hugs back while tears starts to fall from her eyes.

(ON HOLD) The Ultimate Titan (Annie X Male Titan shifter X Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now