I was worried, scared & panicking about losing you...

Start from the beginning

I sat patiently in the waiting room, i sat alone i waited for a doctor to tell me about Vale, a doctor came to me, and took me to Vale's room. "Doctor hows my brother?" I asked him, "Well your brother has broken his leg, dislocated his shoulder, he's covered cuts and bruises also he has a concussion, i'm sorry to say this but your brother is in a coma but he has a chance of waking up, i'm so sorry about how you are feeling." He said, "Its ok, you've done all you can." I said, the doctor left and i went over to Valentino's bed, i took one of his hands into mine and i held it. "Vale please wake up, i need you please don't leave me i need my older brother, I don't want you leaving me i know there was something wrong with you, theres no point on hiding it because you know i'm always here with you listening to what you say and after this happened to you I am definitely not leaving you on your own like this when your all injured like that and your hurting somewhere, please tell me Vale and wake up soon please." I said to him, i quickly informed everyone else about my brother i got really worried and started to think that he might not wake up but i gotta think positive. (2 weeks later) We did two more races and i raced for Valentino because he's my boss and my brother i won both races and said their for him. After celebrating i went down to hospital to see him and I went into his room and sat down in my usual place and held his hand, praying that he would wake up. I felt his hand move and he woke up i was so happy to see him awake and to have my big brother back he looked at me I couldn't help it but broke down into tears right in front of him, he signalled me to lay next to him but i hesitated thinking I would hurt him but he said these words to encourage me, "You won't hurt me Luca take deep breaths and come over here." Vale said, I laid next to him and clinged onto him without hurting him.

I put my uninjured arm around Luca and pulled him close to me, he rested his head on my uninjured shoulder and fell asleep i smiled at him. As soon as he feel asleep the doctors came in and saw Luca asleep on my good shoulder and they smiled. "Awwwww is that your younger brother Vale?" One of them asked, "Yes this is my little brother Luca, thank god he's sleeping because he needs it." I said, they nurses and doctors nodded in agreement and said that Luca was panicking, terrified and scared I don't blame him, i looked at him he looked really peaceful i kept my arm around him and I kept an eye on him. I saw that other people came in, i saw Dani Pedrosa, Jorge Lorenzo, Uccio, Lin Jarvis and Alex Briggs. They all sighed in relief. "Thank god Luca got some sleep." I heard Lorenzo say, "Did he not get any at all...?" I asked, they all shooked their heads, "No, because he was too worried about you Vale, I had him come in my motorhome for the past 2 weeks because he was so worried, he couldn't sleep i had to help him relax, get him to sleep and make sure he would do something, he refused to race in the past two weeks but I managed to convince him to race, we were all watching him and... i'll let him tell you the rest but Vale i know he's wanna look after you but please look after Luca because after those reasons he needs you by his side." Dani Pedrosa said to me, "Of course i'll look after my little brother, i love him a lot the doctors told me that Luca was scared, terrified and he was panicking, and he hesitated before laying next to me, but I managed to encourage him to lay next to me." I said to them.  "How long has Luca been asleep for?" Alex asked, "For like an hour or two, should i wake him up?" I asked them, they all nodded. I shook Luca gently, "Luca wake up." I whispered to him. He opened his eyes, he looked at me and he very carefully hugged me and buried his face in my neck, i felt his breathing going fast. "Whoa, Luca calm down, take deep breaths and calm down." I said to him, he was so anxious about losing me, he's been like this since he was little. I managed to calm him down and i got him to drink a bit of water.

I looked at him, "Vale how can I calm down after that, you nearly died i nearly lost you." I said to him, "I know you did nearly lose me but our guardian angel are protecting us two so we don't get killed or seriously hurt or anything else." Vale said to me, "We have an guardian angel, who is it?" I asked him, i pushed him in his wheelchair since his shoulder is in a sling, and he can't use his crutches yet. I helped my brother get in his motorhome and helped lay in his bed. God poor brother he nearly got killed in two different incidents now. I thought, i basically live with my brother in his motorhome, so i can look after him. "Vale who is our guardian angel?" I asked him, "Do you remember Marco Simoncelli?" He asked me, "Yeah i do remember him, is he our guardian angel?" I asked Valentino. He nodded, "He's been watching over us and protecting us from getting killed and bad injuries." My brother said. Then he looked at the ceiling with the same face he had on before his race, i knew that face from anywhere. "Vale, i know that face from anywhere, you had it on you before your race started, now tell me what's wrong?" I asked him, "I just miss Marco cos its been nearly 10 years since he got killed in that incident that i was involved in along aside with Colin Edwards, i just can't keep on repeating to myself that it was all my...." i cut him off, he thinks its his fault. "Vale that incident wasn't your fault, those types of incidents happen unfortunately but it wasn't your fault, it wasn't Colins fault and it wasn't Marco's fault these types of horrific terrible accidents happen don't blame yourself if thats what you were thinking of before your race started." I said to my brother, I am clearly worried about him. He just looked at me and didn't say anything.

I looked at Luca after he said that, y'know what he's right the horrific incident wasn't my fault even Marco told me it's wasn't my fault too, i looked at Luca and he looked at me really worriedly and anxiously i frowned and I managed to convince him to have a hug. He carefully laid down and i wrapped my uninjured arm around him and to let him know that i'm there and that i'm not going anywhere. I looked at him and he fell asleep he must be happier that's he is with me, he doesn't like being separated from me he needs the rest. He woke up and he instantly told me about something. "Vale y'know when you were in that coma for like 2 weeks?" I nodded, "Well i won both of those races and dedicated them both to you." He said, "Awwww your so adorable Luca." I told him, i hugged him and he also calmed down because i'm with him. We shared brotherly hug.

Luca helped his brother Valentino recover from his injuries and Vale was better to train, fight for the championship and to help Luca fight for the championship. Vale and Luca share their brotherly love moments, and they always look out for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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