Chapter 2-Balance's Despair

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    The years passed and Peace reined freely. Hylia watched as her four kids played in the sacred garden. Ever since Balance was made, everything had been calm. However, Hylia had noticed something. A change in Balance's mood. One that she didn't like.

    Balance, per Hylia's request, constantly went down to the living world. A place full of mortals. Why did she do this? There has been an increase of violence there. Everytime Balance returned, she looked sickly and sad. Hylia figured it was just because the mission was a failure.

    Little did they know that it was much worse than that. Each time she went down their, not only were people fighting amongst themselves, but whenever she tried to break up a fight, they would try to attack her. Since she was the Triforce, now called the Quadforce, she couldn't fight back.

    She would always leave with bruises, not seen because of her purple skin. She was lucky to have dodged what she could. The mission always ended up a success, she just got hurt in the process.

    So why was she looking so sad and sickly lately? There was one mission she couldn't successfully do in time. One that involved a kid and their mother.... And a very drunken father. When Balance got there, she was immediately met with the smell of already fresh blood and alcohol.

    Balance never did like the combination, but now she hated it more than ever. She entered the house and immediately got to trying to de-escalate the situation before taking care of it, like she normally does. She would look back on it later, realizing her mistake...

    Balance should've tried to go straight for the goal, not de-escalate it first. She should've just used her powers. She should've just made sure the kid and mother were away and alright before she tried to de-escalate the situation. So many possibilities ran through her head. But one thing sticks out. The screams.

    There were all kinds of screams that night. The first to sound out was a scream of pain from the mother. Then silence. That was the worst scream to Balance. She almost froze, but knew if she did, the child would lose his life next. She stepped infront of the kid and took the hit from the bloodied bottle that the father was swinging.

    The only difference is that now the blood was coated with a new thing of blood. Thick purple liquid mixed with the red liquid and dropped to the floor. That was Balance's blood on the bottle. But she had no time to react. She teleported this child out of the house and quickly went back to the father. After all, he was coming in for another blow.

    It was lucky that Quadforce Spirits couldn't die to mortals, but they could definitely be injured. Severely injured. By the time Balance got a hold on the dad's anger, Courage was already there. Why was courage there? Because he could tell when me and Wisdom were hurt. He could also tell when Power was hurt, but he could care less about him.

    She quickly quelched the dad's fury and felt herself blacking out. She used too much power and lost too much blood. Of course, she wouldn't pass out infront of mortals. They didn't need to see the Quadforce of Balance passing out. Courage could quickly tell what was going on and got her away from the crowd. Behind her, she could hear two tiny feet running her way.

    She turned around to be met with a small snack to the face. Both her's and Courage's eyes widened in shock. It wasn't an angry adult. Nor a moody teen. It was the kid of the deceased mother. Balance knew she didn't have time for him. She was blacking out. Fast.

    Courage knew that he had to shut this kid down quick. So he turned around, leading me to a nearby forest, hoping the kid wouldn't follow.

    "YOU STUPID QUADFORCE! WHY COULDN'T YOU DO YOUR JOB IN TIME? IF YOU HAD- If- If you had-," The small child cried. This made Courage stop in his tracks. And it made Balance stop even faster. She didn't dare show her face. If she did, the child would see purple tears flowing down Balance's face. Power always did say to never show a mortal our crying. It showed weakness amongst the mortals.

    Of course, that's not why she didn't show her tears. She just couldn't look at the kid. The now sobbing kid. There was no way she could show the kid her tears. So she pulled Courage hoping that he would start walking again. To her luck... He did.

    That one mission. That fateful night. Those kids cries. That woman's screams... And the silence that followed fall of it. These things haunted the Quadforce spirit. What could she do though? Nothing. She could do nothing. That's what she thought.

    So she just dealt with the constant nightmares. So she just dealt with the memories haunting her every time she had a mission. So she just dealt with the weight and guilt that she had for worrying her siblings and the Goddess.

That's the only thing she could do after all.

At least... In her eyes, that was the only thing she could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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