Chapter One

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(All of the story, unless specified, will be in 3rd person)

Swagger woke up that morning to the flowers in his lungs blooming, making him want to throw up, knowing he had to record with Fitz today. Getting out of his bed, he headed out of his room and towards the stairs. Hearing some noises down the stairs, suspecting it just to be Mason and Matt messing about in the kitchen, as usual.

Rubbing his eyes, he looks and sees Tobi on the couch, she was talking on the phone - possibly to her parents or sister or brother. Swagger didn't really know. Smiling at her as she had noticed him before he had started to make his way towards the kitchen. He did in fact see Mason and Matt messing about in the kitchen. Shaking his head towards them.

Swagger walked towards the fridge and got out some milk. Heading to the counter where the cereal boxes were kept. While he was making his way there, he had also gotten a bowl. Grabbing the frosties and opening up the plastic. He was surprised that they hadn't been opened yet by Mason. Pouring the cereal in the bowl first and then the milk, grabbing a spoon from the drawer in front of him. Placing that in his bowl.

He took the bowl into his hands and grabbed the spoon, slowly taking spoonfuls each time while walking to the living room was, to see that Tobi had finished her phone call and was watching some Australian news, before she had turned it over to a random tv show that Swagger wasn't really interested in. Jay came walking down the stairs, Anna following behind him. The couple headed towards the kitchen and you could hear Jay tell Mason and Matt off for making a mess on the island counter.

Swagger had finished his bowl and headed into the kitchen to see Mason, Matt, Jay and Anna all eating some breakfast. Smiling at them, Swagger had placed his bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. Closing the door of it, but not turning it on since the others had to place their bowls and spoons in too.

He had started to walk up the stairs, Tobi was soon following. "See you in the call Swags." She had said to him, whilst walking into her princess room. He nodded at her, "You too, Tobz."

He headed into his room, the furthest one in the house. Tuning on the computer that sat a bit further away, and in front of his door. Sitting down in the gamer chair he had. Waiting for his computer to start up and load so he could get the game they were going to play. Discord opened up automatically, he joined the call and set up the game of CS:GO with Fitz and Tobi in the call. Waiting for Jay and Mason to join. Matt did not want to be in this recording session, since he did need to edit his latest video.

Mason joined and then five minutes later Jay did too. Waiting for him to get his recording set-up. The other four were waiting, and as Fitz had talked about editing his video yesterday, Swagger couldn't help but feel the flowers peek in his chest. Swallowing his saliva down, he listened intensely as Jay had said he had finished setting up his recording software. They began their normal behaviour during a game of CS:GO.

~ Time Skip five hours later ~

Swagger pressed end of recording on his software, leaving the discord call and getting ready to edit his video. Getting out of his room before he settled down to edit, he headed down the stairs to get a cold bottle of water. Manager Ryan was in there, talking to Jay, who had left the session half an hour before it had ended, with Anna beside him.

"Sup fuckers!" Swagger said to them, whilst heading towards the built-in fridge. Opening it up, he had gotten choruses of 'sup' and 'hey' back, getting the coldest water bottle. He closed the door, and turned around to face them, "Whatcha talking about?" He had asked them, Walking closer to them.

"The next vacation we're going on" Ryan said to him, Swagger nodded - thinking of a question. "It'll be next week, Fitz knows about it so he'll be getting a video sorted out for that."

Swagger nodded again, feeling the flowers in his chest flutter up, making him have the urge to be sick. Smiling at Ryan, Jay and Anna and leaving them in the kitchen with a response of "Okay! Well, I'm gonna go and edit then, see you fuckers later!"

When Swagger had gotten into his room, he rushed to the toilet - in his ensuite bathroom. Throwing up the flower that had dared to come through his throat. Thinking why Ryan had to mention Fitz - which had made his flower start to bloom again - just after he had a five hour recording session. Brushing his teeth, he went and sat down to edit his video.

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