Chapter 2: unlikely friends?

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Over the past couple weeks I have been getting more and more close with my roommate, sodyn. He actually knows a lot, he knows self defense and archery and how to use a gun, even those long ones. He told me that back in the town whenever hevwas younger he lived with his aunt, although he looked a little hesitant to tell me, like it was a bad thing to remember. He won't exactly tell me anything else about her but I didn't expect him to.

At first I thought he was scary from his appearance and height but now he just seems like he is a know-it-all that has a way too big of a gun. And now with even more time that has passed, I'm starting to get used to this place and kinda liking it as well. Yesterday I did overhear the other men talking, it was about me, they wanted to get me away from sodyn and possibly find out why he likes me so much. I was behind their tent and the face I made when I heard them was something of straight disgust and fear.

I have no idea what exactly they want with me, but I sure as hell ain't gonna let this just go. I went back to my bunk and when I opened the door sodyn was in the shower. Guess I gotta wait to tell him.

I go to sit onto my semi hard bed and pick up the book I was currently reading and flip to my bookmarked page. After about 30 minutes the door to the bathroom flys open and there he stands. Sodyn stands in the doorway, with his black hair all wet and a beige colored towel around his waist. He was sorta jacked for someone I never see working out.

I catch myself staring at all of him and am only snapped out of it when he speaks. " Oops, I didn't realize you were going to return so soon. " he looks up from looking at the ground, throwing the towel he was just using to dry his hair on the ground. He smirks a bit and poses somewhat awkwardly, " like what you see sweetheart? " I look away and set my book on the bed, ignoring the red glow of my face. " Sodyn, I have something I'd like to discuss with you. "

I tell him about what I heard and the more I say the more agitated he seems to get. " Do you really think they can get in here? " he looks at me then shifts his gaze to the door, giving it a stern look. " They can try, but like hell will I easily let them. '' he then turns his head to look back at me. He puts on his designated shirt and then tells me to turn around. "Why would they want to know anything about you talking to me anyway?" I say as I turn the other way facing my window and the outside of the camp.

He lets out a sigh, "I dont know why me being so secretive to them is a problem, but you are something they can torture to get answers outta me. They believe you are weak though-" he turns me around, his hands on my shoulders as I look up to the now fully dressed man, a foot away from my face. "-you better show em just how tough you actually are, how much they need to worry about their plan."

He gives a slight smile and stares into my eyes. I feel my face start to heat up again and turn my gaze away from his, though my head can not move. "Hey, look at me" I feel my eyes lock onto his and we stare at each other for another minute or two. His face slowly gets really close to my face, our noses barely touching and I can feel his breath on me. I put my finger on his lips and I feel them smirk underneath.

" What exactly do you think you're doing?" I say as I then push his face away from mine. "Eh worth a shot I guess, your lips looked really soft" he caresses his thumb near my mouth and I jolt up. "Thank you, but no thank you" I then pushed him out of the way, went into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut.

Why in the world, now of all times, would he want to kiss me?? And why did I stop him!? I rest my elbows on the countertop and look at the mirror. I sigh deeply. It's not like I wanted him to, besides he was only teasing me so I'm sure he didn't feel what I felt.

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