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"ESFP: develops a strong tert-Te in order to achieve things in the outside world, is often confident, self-assertive, and prone to easy boredom; likes to seek out constant challenges at work / school / their personal life, and may create drama where there is none to self-entertain; values a few people very much (especially if they identify with them through Fi) and will champion them with total conviction. Quick to react, may dislike or hide their own emotions / suppress them, or learn to loop to avoid them, and often out of touch with the long-term consequences of their blow-up."

Examples of ESFP 8s are Knuckle Bine, Toji Suzuhara, and Mondo Owada

Examples of ESFP 8s are Knuckle Bine, Toji Suzuhara, and Mondo Owada

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