Day 2

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Prompt: pick who dies

Peter's POV
I don't remember how I got there, but I knew it couldn't be good. I was in a weird looking room. The walls were covered in all sorts of knives, saws, rods, mallets, spikes, straps, chains, and other instruments that made my blood run cold.

I heard movement, so I turned towards it, expecting the worst. What I saw flooded me with relief. It was Mr. Stark. The fact that he was there made me think that maybe our captors didn't know I was Spider-Man.

He started to wake up; whatever they used to knock us out was wearing off. He realized his predicament, and I heard a muttered 'Oh shit, not this again.'

"Mr. Stark?" I asked, alerting him to my presence. His head turned quickly towards my voice, and he paled. I guess my company didn't reassure him the same way his did to me.

"Hey kid," he said. "How long have you been awake?"
"Not long, just a few minutes," I responded. He seemed content with my answer, and started to survey the room, his eyes lingering on the walls covered in tools. His face hardened, and he spoke in the most serious voice I'd ever heard him use.

"Peter, listen to me. I need you to promise that you'll do exactly as I say, no questions asked. If we have any chance of getting out of here, you need to follow my instructions. Understand?" He hissed.

I nodded. He had never been so sharp with me before, and the lack of nickname scared me. We were both in danger. My Spidey Sense has been going off since I woke up in that room, and I suspected it was going to get worse.

My thoughts must've been evident on my face, because Mr. Stark sighed.
"Hey. I didn't mean to scare you. I've been in this position before, and I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, but I can't. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, it's sure as hell not the answer I want to give, but until we know what they want, we have to prepare ourselves for the worst. You can be sure that I'll protect you to the best of my ability, though, okay?" I nodded once again, and he moved across the small room to sit next to me. It was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless.

"You look tired. Go to sleep, okay? I'll wake you up if anything changes. I promise," he said. I obliged, letting my exhaustion take over. I didn't realize how tired I was until I was nearly asleep. I barely registered that my head was on Mr. Stark's shoulder before I let sleep overtake me.

My Spidey Sense woke me up, and it took a few moments to realize why. With my enhanced senses, I was able to hear footsteps getting closer. Mr. Stark liked confused.

"Someone's coming," I whispered, being quiet so I wouldn't alert whoever was nearing us. I figured that we had an advantage if they didn't know we knew where they were.

About a minute later, the footsteps came to a stop outside the door. There were 6 short beeps, a long beep, then the sound of a mechanical door unlocking. I made note of these things in case they'd be of use to us later.

The door swung open, and a man walked in. He was tall with black hair, and pale, piercing green eyes the colour of celery, but with a dangerous glint to them. He smiled at the sight of us, but it was a threatening smile. He looked at us in a way that showed he knew he had all the power, and couldn't wait to see what he could do with us. His eyes flashed with a feral sort of look, but only for a moment.

"Hello. My name is Daniel Grey, but you can call me Mr. Grey or Sir. I will be overseeing your stay here. Did you enjoy your first night?" He talked as if we were here willingly, like he was welcoming us to a hotel.

When neither of us answered, his smile dropped.

"Oh, no, that won't do. You see, when I ask you a question, I expect an answer. And I don't like to repeat myself. This is your only warning. Now, I'll ask you one more time. How was your night?"

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