Grand Opening

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Song of the chapter: Friends On The Other Side

Two weeks and the restaurant looked magnificent. Gently, the air conditioner blew cold air on the people. The party was in full swing. Dressed in their finest wears, people ate dessert and drank wine. Davido's latest hit blared from the speakers. Hired waiters bustled from place to place carrying silver trays.

Sewa grinned at the turnout. She smoothed her green short sleeved knee-length dress and touched her braided hair. She had it wound in a bun on top of her head.

"How many people did you invite sef?" Sewa's mother asked. Her mother wore her finest Iro and Buba. The beaded lace shone each time it caught the light.

"I invited Madam Koyi, our neighbors, some friends from University and my former place of work," Sewa answered, examining the place for any mishaps.

"The number of people here have pass sixty o. Will food contain everyone like this?"

"By God's grace." She squared her shoulders and greeted the next set of people that walked in.

"Good evening," They replied before booking a seat.


At the call of her name, she spun on her heels. Her eyes locked with someone she hasn't seen in years. "Elijah!"

The two hugged and kissed their cheeks. "See how you've changed," He exclaimed. Elijah, even after many years, still resembled a woman. His long lashes fluttered and pink full lips parted in a smile. His cheeks were more pronounced on his oval face when he smiled. The two were close friends in secondary school but they lost contact when he moved.

Sewa twirled to show off her dress. "Thank you. You have not changed."

"How can you say that? My beard is much fuller now." He rubbed the stub on his chin.

"What is on your chin now that you are showing off?" She teased. She took notice of the man standing beside them. "Mr Gbenga, what a surprise."

The man who previously had his focus on his phone raised his head in surprise.

"Oh, good evening," He curtly said. Without his frown, Mr. Gbenga appeared gorgeous. Laugh lines drew at the corner of his eyes.

"I didn't know how to reach you to give you an invite but I'm glad you came," She beamed at the man.

"You know each other?" Elijah asked with a small frown on his face.

"Yes. He's the one who gave me the thumbs up to have the building back. I'm really grateful to him. Do you know him?"

Mr. Gbenga pulled at his collar and gave a low chuckle. Elijah gave his friend a meaningful look that Sewa could not lay a finger on.

"Yes," Elijah gritted his teeth. "He is my friend."

"Who invited you anyway? I didn't know you were back in Nigeria? How long have you been in Lagos sef that you didn't reach out for me?"

Elijah's hardened glare softened as he chuckled. "I came back to Lagos last month to do some business jare. Don't be angry with me my love." He pulled his arm around her shoulders.

Sewa threw her head back and laughed. "Who is your love?  Better don't let your wife come and beat me." She noticed Mr. Gbenga walking away to the refreshment table.

"Wife? I don't have a wife."

"Not even girlfriend?" Sewa gaped in disbelief. This was the same guy that had multiple girlfriends a week back in Secondary school.

"I'm not ready for girlfriend. They are too much trouble jare. What about you? Any boyfriend?"

"I resemble someone who get time for boyfriend?" She let her brows raise in amazement.

"No boyfriend?" He gave a teasing smile. "As sexy as you are, you don't have boyfriend. Why am I even surprised? You always turned down guys who asked you out. It won't shock me if you later become nun."

Sewa gawked at a grinning Elijah. "That's too much na."

"See her mouth. Better be free this weekend so I can take you out."

"I don't know o."

"Don't tell me that. We are going out and that's final. Oya give me your phone," Elijah said. He snatched her phone from her hand and punched in his number. He dialed his number with her phone until his began to ring. "Now, I have your number. If you like hide, I will come and drag you from this restaurant."

"Whatever." She waved her had dismissively. "You have held me up enough. I need to see to other guests."

Sewa moved around the room greeting and thanking guests. Seeing to it that all guests were seated and attended to, she mentally gave herself a 'well done' pat on her head. She felt nothing could go wrong. That is, until she felt herself jerked back by someone and had a slap across her face. You know, type of slap that made your ears ring and made your cheeks burn so hot. Yes, that was that type of slap.

Sewa recoiled in shock as she looked up at the rather large woman who glared furiously at her. Madam Koyi! But why would Madam Koyi slap her? Beside her were three men dressed in black and were unmistakingly police men.

“You insolent wench!” She yelled, and the slow soothing music screeched to a stop. “You think you can dupe me abi? How dare you open this restaurant without paying my debt? Who gave you permission to use this place? You will rot in jail, I will make sure of that. Police officers, take her away.”

“But I did. Your man, Mr Gbenga, collected nine hundred thousand naira from me,” She defended, tearing up.

“I did not send any man. Liar!”

“Madam,” the officer said as he cuffed Sewa's hands, “Do not say anything or it would used against you in the court of law.”

Sewa ignored him whipping her head around for the Mr Gbenga. She could see his silhouette running out the doors. Sewa screamed at the police officers pointing in his direction the man who stole her money, but she was hushed and pushed forward.

She could hear her mother wail aloud. The guests murmured to one another, leaving one by one. Sewa was led out the restaurant and into the police vehicle.

As tears rolled down her cheeks, she lamented to herself. Indeed, there were many thieves in Lagos but then, they didn't go around with a mark on their foreheads identifying them as thieves.

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