Part 7

347 7 16

Third person's pov
Days flew by. Unlike before, Ushijima is now focusing more on his own life with his soulmate. They're together now, nothing can separate them from each other. Tomorrow is the start of Tendou's career.

"Done packing?" Tendou wrapped his arms around the cow loving boy's neck, hugging him from behind. "Yea, what about you?" Ushijima excitedly asked, "I packed a week ago!" Tendou half joked. Ushijima let out a giggle and zipped his case closed. "Well then, good night. We'll have to wake up earlier." Ushjima instructed. "Yeah, good night!" Tendou left a kiss on ushijima's cheek before getting up.


"Tendou, wake up." Ushijima stood in the doorway. "huh?" Tendou rubbed his eyes to get a clearer sight. "Its 6am, our flight is in 2 hours. Now, lets wake up and get ready." Ushijima walked towards the red head and carried him bridal style, "Hey! put me down!" Tendou giggled. They entered the bathroom and got ready.


It will be a long flight, 16 hours precisely. The couple were seated next to each other. They were still a bit tired, so they took a nap in each others arms. "Hey, sir. These are your lunch." The flight attendant tapped their shoulder to wake them up. "o-oh, thank you." Tendou looked up groggily taking the trays and woke his partner up, "Hey, ushi~ lunch is here." Ushijima opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Oh, thank you tendo." He thanked the red head. On the trays, they were served a basic bento; consisting a portion of rice, a few karaage, tamagoyaki, some slices of pickled radish, and a small container of fresh fruits.

"Its really good right, ushi?" Tendou turned his head to Ushijima. "It is." Ushijima replied with food in his mouth. They munched away their lunch and gave the trays back to the attendants to be thrown away. Both of them turned on music to break the silence, sharing a pair of earphones. They were vibing deep in their own world when suddenly a weight has been added to Ushijima's shoulder. Tendou had dropped his head on it. The green haired boy didnt mind it though, and carried on vibing until he decides to join his soulmate in dreamland.


They had finally arrived in France, greeted by a young man. "Bonjour! My name is Jules Martin and tonight, we are going to let you rest and tomorrow, Tendou will be heading to the factory with me." The man said in a French accent, butchering Tendou's name. The couple laughed it off and agreed with the schedule given.

Jules drove the couple to their hotel provided by the company. "Have a good night, you two." He bid the couple farewell. "Thank you, sir." They replied. Jules drove off and the couple went inside the hotel. They found their room and got ready for bed.


Tendou woke up, looked around to find a clock. Its 6am. He rushed into the bathroom and got ready. Jules were already waiting outside the hotel for him. The red head didnt want to disturb the peaceful sleep his partner were having so he left a kiss on ushijima's forehead, "I love you, ushi."

"Oh! Good morning, Tendou." Jules greeted. "Good morning, Jules!" The red head greeted back. Jules motioned his hand signalling Tendou to come inide the car. Tendou did what is told and soon arrived at the factory. He entered the shop, feeling the cold breeze from the AC onto his face.

He was greeted by a black haired male, with a moustache on his face wearing a chef hat. "Care to try some?" The chef offered, extending a hand holding up a tray of chocolate. Tendou took a piece of chocolate and was delighted by how it tastes; its cold, rich and bitter, then the filling bursts out, it was salty yet sweet and warm. "Mm! This is delicious!" Tendou yelled joyfully. The chef replied with a close-eyed smile.

They continued on with the internship by showing Tendou how to make good chocolate, techniques, and wrapping it up with a quiz.

He woke up to the sun beaming at his face with birds chirping in the background. He looked around and saw noone was there but him. He stared at the ceiling for a while and went on his phone.

5 New messages!

He looked at the notifications.

Mom: Hey, i know youre in Sendai and the girl is with me. her name is Yamada Yua. Come.
Mom: Look, im going to your apartment.
Mom: Im here, let me in.
Tendou: The chocolates here are amazing, Ushi!!
Mom: I gave birth to you, is this how you repay me?! Let me in.

"Ha, good luck with that, 'mom'." Ushijima chuckled and sat on the bed.

He looked out the window and stared at the beautiful scenery of the city. Not going to lie, he was a bit bored waiting for evening to come. So, the olive haired boy took an umbrella and headed out. The sky was grey, dark and cloudy. It looked like it was about to rain any time soon. The ex ace didnt mind it though and kept on walking. As expected, the sky began pouring. The dense farmer handled it and sheltered himself with the umbrella he took.


Evening came. The cow loving boy arrived at his hotel room to his soulmate after a long walk.

Tendou immediately attacked the olive haired boy with questions after questions, "Ushii!! Are you *cough* okay? Where were you? What did you do?" The green haired boy replied, "Just went out." The boy then pulled out a bouquet of Tendo's favorite flowers in his hands–tulips. Ushijima was shocked seeing the red haired boy cough, he was getting sick, but the joy of seeing the said boy happy overcame that, eyes filled with sparkles and Tendou rushed to hug the green haired boy, "Thank you, i love you."

"But, why though?" the red head asked curiously. "I just saw the flower shop and well, you love tulips, so i got them." Ushijima replied with a warm smile.

The trip came to an end and it was time to go.

Another long trip on the aeroplane.


They waved their hands out signalling taxi drivers to pick them up. Soon, one taxi pulled over and invited the couple in.

In the middle of the journey, "Uhm Tendou, are you feeling okay?" The green haired boy remembered, "you were coughing since France..". "Oh, it was probably just a cold from the rain. Nothing to worry about, Wakkun~" Tendou smiled indicating that he was really okay, his soulmate released a relieved sigh.

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