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Pretty face, can I something?
It's kinda weird like a mixed up feelings
Sleepy yet darkest orbs that I see
Caught my attention, those deep eyes hypnotise me

Your soothing voice that sends me shivers
I'll never forget them-no, never!
Those possessed guitars you can make 'em talk
Indeed a magician you can make 'em dance (folks)

Hey Blaster, tryna COME INSIDE OF MY HEART
Ya'll see you're face, BULLSEYE! with a dart
For you CAPTIVATED my heart mind and soul
Even when you're AIN'T PERFECT well I'm completely fool

I'm not JULIANA, neither BARBARA, I'm the simply,naive and boring ME
But you're my jazz,pop,rock my DISCO
My cute,mushy, BUTTERFLY, the SWEETEST SHADOW I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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