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Only one role this page!
Some roles are sorta important to the plot,
Not saying which ones because no-
But! The limit of roles are 7 for now, this might change!
Your allowed to make your own roles which I will then put on the next role page! But I must approve of them first, and might make some changes too.

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THE HEADMISTRESS-Actually hasn't been here that long, only started a year after her wife died

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-Actually hasn't been here that long, only started a year after her wife died. So she's still pretty new to the academy herself, but don't you worry, she's very devoted to the academy and it's students, she'll make sure they'll get everything they require.
-Wants to help sharpen these kids young lives, they are the best of the best and deserved to be treated that way!
-Strict, leadership, Intelligent
-Although she comes off as a cold bitch, underneath her many layers of ice lies a burning warmth. She sees every child that passes through these walls as her own. She really does want the best for them.
-The kids still see her as a bitch tho
-Will one hundred percent act like a bîtch too.
-A very private woman, the students hardly know anything about her.
-Known to be one of the smartest people in the country, heck the world honesty. She used to be a multi national billionaire!! She had empires, she had everything she ever wanted.... so why is she here teaching at an old school?
-Students like to make theories and rumours about her. Some say she made a deal with the devil for fame and this is her end of the bargain... oh what oh what could the devil have in mind for a bunch of kids?

 oh what oh what could the devil have in mind for a bunch of kids?-Female-41TAKEN

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-He's the nephew to the headmistress, but by marriage. He's not biologically related to her, but still sees her as his aunt of course.
-His feelings towards his aunt are a bit weird though, he treats her more like the headmistress rather than his aunt ah times.
-Defiantly that type of person to point out that he's the nephew of the headmistress if you try to come at him. But usually doesn't like to use it on teachers for his own benefit. He wants to earn his grades through hard work, not through relations.
-Here because he's a legacy, but even if he wasn't, he'd still be very much so at the top, he's an extremely hardworking student and he earned mostly everything he has.
-Tactical, blunt, impatient
-A tiny bit snobby, he doesn't mean to be a jerk, but he certainly comes off that way.
-Wants to be associated with the best, Likes to hang around with others like him.
-absolutely hates cheaters
-Is an Academic Student. His main subject is business. So exciting. He doesn't exactly know what he wants to do later in life.. he sorta has his eyes on other things really..
-Asks for extra homework
-Has a select few of friends, but he mostly spends his time studying.
-Wealthy background + well known parents
-He knows about magic and occult too, and expects to be invited to the cult. Probably will have a tantrum if he isn't.

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