"Right." Iida fumbled, clearing his throat for the second time, before realizing an unusual situation. He took in his surroundings slowly, pushing his glasses up. "But where is (Last)-san? I wanted to congratulate her on her last win but haven't gotten the chance too."

Mina voiced in, leaning over the table to call out. "I think she went to the Nurse's office; she hasn't gone back?"

"She said she would only take a while, so I'm not too sure." Uraraka blinked, tilting her head curiously.

Shoji finally spoke up after swallowing a spoonful of his food, peering over at his peers. "I think I saw her head off to the school's entrance." Shoji's mask slightly muffled Shoji's explanation. Actually, Shoji's been eating this whole time but the group didn't even notice as his lower-face was covered again- the mystery of his lower-face still ever so present. "Koda and I met her before we went here." Koda nodded to affirm, as Pikachu let out a small approved squeak, pointing at Shoji.

"Ah-is that the reason?" Hagakure questioned, as Pikachu simply nodded a couple of times. He knew you went to check on Dragonite and the others outside, so he wasn't too worried. He only hoped your hand was already healed. But then Iida shoots up from his seat, looking rigid.

"But that means-!" Everyone gazed up at him in confusion. "The only thing she has eaten today was a single onigiri! This won't do, she must keep herself in proper shape if she's going to battle!" Iida was abruptly eating away in big spoons, which was a little alarming to see, before getting up to put away the tray. "I must call her to the cafeteria right now!"

"H-Huh? Where are you going Iida-kun?" Uraraka blurted out hesitantly, as Iida glance back fixedly. He was a man on a mission. The mission...to bring you food-apparently. "I'm going to the entrance to find her! We'll be back!" And just like that, Iida disappeared, leaving a cloud of dust behind as he sped off.

"Ah, and there he goes!" Mina jests, picking up a piece of fermented natto to eat. She stuck the tip of the chopsticks in her mouth, humming in thought with a grin. "Our class President sure is one of a kind."

"That's Iida-kun for you!" Hagakure giggled, as Shoji and Koda finished up their lunches. The two made a quick leave as the girls cheerfully waved goodbye, wondering when Jiro and Momo would arrive. While the girls converse laxly, our lovely protagonist Pokémon, Pikachu, was munching on a sweet raspberry contently, minding his own business until his long ears caught a certain noise.

"-I mean! whether you believe it or not is up to you, but we were asked by Aizawa-sensei to remind you since you might've forgotten." Yikes, it's the sticky balls, Pikachu nose scrunched up.

It took everything Pikachu got to simply gander at the idiot duo, who followed a slightly surprised Yaoyorozu and an uncomfortable Jiro carrying their lunch trays. The group of girls on the table peered over in curiosity, as Uraraka piped up inquiringly.

"Jiro-chan, Yaoyorozu-chan, what's going on?" The two girls who finally made it to the table looked uncertain, as Yaoyorozu, the vice class representative, took it as an initiative to answer, onyx-colored eyes gleaming doubtfully.

"Mineta-kun and Kaminari-kun told us that all the girls from each class will be doing a cheer." Jiro still looked embarrassed, her cheeks lit up in red. Yaoyorozu glanced at the two males, who have solemnly nodded as if to assure their truthfulness. "Yet I haven't heard of such an event before..."

"A cheer?! Whoa, that sounds fun~!" Hagakure professes eagerly. The invisible girl seemed to be thrilled with the news, as she eagerly points to the foreign cheerleaders, who somehow emitted a very different vibe than Japan was used to, with the smallest of curiosity brimming in her voice. "Do we wear the cheer outfit too?!"

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