'Goddess no. I care nothing for that seductive woman with her alluring charms. You know me better than that'

'You dislike the intimacy we have with her?' I questioned out of curiosity.

"Please. That woman will never have what it takes to satisfy my sexual needs. OUR needs. I don't even know how the hell you put up with her."

' Fuck, Orion. What do you want me to do? You know I have a high sex drive.'

"We wouldn't have to go through this process if we at least had the right woman."

I sighed rubbing my temples, 'So did you have something you wanted to talk about?'

"Where is she? I haven't felt her presence like I normally do every day. It's not here.'

It suddenly hit me as to what I was so in thought about. He was right. She wasn't here. Rosalia wasn't here. She's never been late for school a day in her life. In fact. I looked around the entire class, and I didn't see her. Rosalia was usually one of the first people to make it to class. She kept to herself since she never talked to anyone before classes started.

'You're right. She may be running late for once.'

" No Liam. I don't feel her presence at all. She's not even on the school grounds."

What? She hadn't even made it to the building? That definitely wasn't like her at all.

"Good morning students. Let's start with the daily roll call before we begin our lesson." The teacher, Mr. Wilson, stated calmly before going over names on the list. Each name that was called, the students replied with a 'Here' to be counted present.

"Benjamin Walker"

"Jeremiah Harris"

"Sally Young"

"Rosalia Gardens". The classroom was silent. Mr. Wilson looked up when he didn't receive an answer. " Rosalia Gardens?" He repeated. However, there was still no answer. Stunned, he asked in a concerned voice, "Is Ms. Gardens not here?"

Some students replied with a 'no' as others continued looking around for her. I felt uneasy by the lack of her presence. I was so used to seeing her sit in the back of the class as she kept to herself but still made sure to pay attention in class. She really wasn't here?


Before I realized, the end of the day had come. Students were returning home by walking, car rides, or the bus. I was in deep thought as I waited for my ride at the end of the pathway to the school. A few minutes later, a black limousine appeared before a strictly uniformed man dressed in black came out to open the door for me. I stepped inside and sat in the luxurious seat as I was shut in and the ride to home began. Rosalia hadn't come to school today. I felt many emotions. Confused, worried, upset. I pondered on the last emotion. Why did I feel upset? I knew it was because of what the date was.

"Today was acceptance day. Why didn't she come?"

"Perhaps because of the fear" Orion appeared.

"Fear of what?"

"You forget all the things you've done to the poor girl in the past?"

Instantly, I'm reminded of all the memories I've shared with that girl. I can honestly say that none are good. I've been mean to that girl, and hurt her in more ways I can imagine. Something deep down makes me feel guilty. I can be honest and admit that I was wrong towards Rosalia in the past, but I'll never say it aloud. It's been that way since we were pups. I don't even know why I did it. I just did. I never had anything against her. I don't know how to explain it. Just...one day I decided to treat her differently from the rest. That's all.

'What about it?'

"Although you and I are one and the same. That girl is our mate."

I sighed. "Are we even sure about that?"

"You felt the connection that day Liam" Orion became annoyed.

"Still...it's not normal to find your mate at that young of an age." I defended. You could only find your mate out of two ways. Once you turned of age or whenever your mate was near.

"Even so. The Moon Goddess blessed you with her and you haven't shown a spec of gratefulness. But..." He sighed. "You and I are not the normal wolves. While others rejoice to be united with their mate. We simply do not understand the concept of it or love itself. I suppose that's why you sleep with any girl who's willing to give in to you"

Orion's words were deep and truthful. I didn't understand love, and I damn well refused to do so after...what happened back then.

"She probably believed you would reject her."

Reject her? I had been so focused on her not being around and why I had been feeling so different compared to normal, that the thought of rejecting her on acceptance day hadn't crossed my mind on being the reason she didn't come to school for the first time. I don't think I would have accepted her, but I probably wouldn't have rejected her either. Not on her birthday. Wait. Today was her birthday! Damn. Another thing that slipped my mind. A she-wolf's sixteenth birthday is a very important day since not only is it the day to celebrate her birth, but originally to find her mate and get accepted. If what Orion said is true, she spent her birthday fearful. Of me? My chest felt tight at that thought. What is this feeling?

I don't know what I would have done today if she had come, but her not coming...somehow felt worse. I stared out the window as the scenery of buildings looked blurry. Why did I feel this way? 


Okay! I should have said this in the first chapter, but I would really appreciate it if I received opinions on the story. Is it good? Is it bad? I'm trying to get back into writing, and I want my come back to writing to start with this new story I'm doing. I'll try to post chapter three soon! 

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