Bokoaka: Why him and not me?..

Start from the beginning

It was after school when akio came to akaashi's after school practice that Bokuto interrupted their conversation.
"Look bud this is OUR practice time so. Leave."
The whole team didn't know what to make of this, Bokuto didn't notice but when he told akio to leave akaashi blushed at Bokuto defending him even though the 3rd year would never admit it. Their practice was going great Bokuto was being loud as always and the team trying to calm him down than the discussion of "who's team mom" came up in the club room thy all slowly turn their heads toward akaashi. The 1st years face was flushed,
"H-how am I the team mom!" He said in defense Bokuto thought how cute he looked with his face all embarrassed and red.

Akaashi's pov (finally)

Me and Bokuto-san decided to stop off at a local shop and get some ice cream and than hang out at the park. When we arrived at the park we sat down at the swings and talked for a bit, I just now realized how loud Bokuto-san really was, he talks about random things while I just listened and nodded along, and than he asked me the one question I was hoping he'd forget about,
"So are you gonna tell me what akio meant by 'why him not me'"
"I-its personal Bokuto-san"
"See their you go you did it again!"
"Did what?"
" stutter!"
"I didn't stutter!"
"You totally did! Wait your trying to distract me from my original question!"
"Eh no I wasn't you did that to yourself"
"Hmm fine but are you gonna tell me or not"
"I'm not"
"Yes Bokuto-san"
"CAN you tell me?"
"Why would you like to know"
"Hey! Answer my question first!"
"You sound like a kid Bokuto-san"
Bokuto said while waving his hands in the air.
I just giggled, I saw him looking at me with a slight blush on his face,
I said with a small smile he looked away quickly and than started rambling on about how he forgot his math homework and his teacher scolded him for it. I think I'll tell him tomorrow.

3rd person (again)

It was an early morning and akaashi and Bokuto didn't have morning practice but forgot so they arrived at 6:30 in the morning and school started at 8:30 so they had a full 2 hours of absolute nothingness so they decided to go up to the roof (the school was open because the staff come to school earlier than the students) as the walk up to the roof their hands brush against each other's and they couldn't help but blush at the sudden contact. Once they got to the roof they found a nice spot to hang out until school starts. They were on the roof stood at the front where they could see anyone walk in and walk out of school but they didn't see anyone because well it was only 6:46 am an no one would show up to school this early unless they were crazy. They chatted about random things and akaashi thought it would be a good idea to tell Bokuto the truth about the day before, akaashi was lost in thought and standing against the railing looking out onto the school and thinking weather he should tell Bokuto the truth.
"What's wrong akaashi?"
"Nothing I'm just thinking" Bokuto was now standing by akaashi joining him on looking over the school.
"Bokuto-san what would you do if someone confessed to you?" Akaashi said nervously
"It depends who it is if it was my crush I'd say yes 100 times but if it was anyone else I'd say no"
Akaashi looked at Bokuto who actually gave a smart answer,
"Who DO you like Bokuto-san"
"I'll tell you if you tell me what akio meant yesterday"
"You really want to know what he meant do you"
"Bokuto-san your being to loud"
"Oh sorry"
"He was talking about my crush he asked me if I had my answer and I told him I didn't like him and that I liked someone else"
"You like someone?!?!"
"You hadn't noticed? I thought I was being obvious about who he was"
"Obviously not if I can't tell who it is" he said in a joking manner
"Ok I told you what me and akio were talking about you have to tell me who you like"
Bokuto turned toward akaashi an was now facing and akaashi felt confused
"You are the person I like Akaashi" it was the first time Bokuto had said akaashi's name right and the fact that Bokuto had feelings for him. Akaashi stood their with a flushed face full of shock and completely different face from when akio confessed. This time it was different it was Bokuto confessing not some guy from 2nd year. Akaashi looked away and smiled he looked back to see a worried face on Bokuto's
"It's ok if you don't like me I'm not forcing you to I-i mean you asked so I told you!"
"You really like me?"
Akaashi asked looking Bokuto in the eyes he was now facing Bokuto,
"Of course who wouldn't! Do you like me back?.." he said with a sad but hope-full tone akaashi couldn't find any words so he just hugged the taller male Bokuto immediately hugged back and akaashi said in Bokuto's chest,
"Of course I do koutarou"
Bokuto's heart fluttered and hugged akaashi tighter, they pulled away both of their faces red and their hands cold from the morning air,
"Keiji c-can I kiss you"
"You don't have to ask koutarou"
Bokuto grabbed keiji's waist and pulling him in keiji's warm but cold hands on koutarou's cheeks they leaned in until their cold but soft lips touched each other's it was a short but meaningful and memorable kiss they both smiled at each other, keiji's deep blue eyes looked up into koutarou's amber eyes they never wanted to look away, keiji pulling back the stray hairs off koutarou's face and sliding his now warm hands back to his cheek in which koutarou nuzzled his cheek into keiji's hand.

"Be my boyfriend keiji?"

"Of course koutarou"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm so tired but I really wanted to get this chapter out so yea. Tomorrow I'm gonna try posting 2 chapters to see how that goes if it works out than I might start posting 2 chapters a day. Anyway way good night/morning/afternoon or where ever you are 😂

Word count: 2022

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