best friends

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me and Ag have been friends scene birth. our moms where best friends in high school and still are. we moved from new Mexico to Kentucky together. we learned how to walk talk even eat together. we where together all the time, even in the bath room. we never let each other down. this year is our last year of high school.  we want to go to the same collage, we don't know if we will both get in to the same one. 

Ag: wake up fuck head

Y: fuck offffff  just let me sleep

Ag: no i have a surprise for you and if your not up and ready in the next hour we will be late, now, GET-THE-FUCK-UPP 

she was hitting me with a pillow in-between her words. i got up and told her to chill. its like 9am and its to early but i suck it up or ill get her shit.  i got up and put on some baggie ripped jeans an da black crop top with checker vans. i did some make up and had to blow dry my hair because it was wet in a bun last night. i didn't do much to it tho i just left it down. she looked at me and smiled and said i should put my hair up and i got scared. i put my hair in a low pony tail and put black and white clips in my hair.

Ag: aww you look so cute 

y: shut up you look ok to, where are we going? 

Ag: you'll see just wait and get in the car

Y: ughhh i hate you so much

Ag: you know you love me :)

i rolled my eyes and giggled. i got in her car and we went to dunkin and i got some donuts. we ate and then we drove for about an hour and she blind folded me so i didn't see where we where. she started talking so much one and then we parked. she took off my blind fold and we were at kings island. i started screaming and jumping up and down. i love roller coasters. 

Ag: so I'm guessing you like my surprise?

Y: FUCK YA!  omg omg omg omg omg omg i wanna ride every single one i these at least five times!

Ag: well we problebly can because i got fast passes :) (if you don't know what a fast pass is at KI you get to go to the front of the line and they coast money)

Y: omg no how much where they? I'm going to pay you back

Ag: no you aren't because in not going to tell you. 

Y: ugh tank you tho, but what are we doing lets go inn

i jumped out of the car and we went in side and went to get our fast passes and apparently Ag also got free drinks all day so they gave us both of our wrist bans and we got some ice cream and pop. we rode a few rides and then it was time for lunch so we left and they stamped out hands so we could get back in. we went to chick-fil-a and went back. they had every thing decorated for Halloween because its the beginning of October. she said we where going to do the hunt thing tonight and to got scared and she said its all fake. we got on more rides and we got tired so we tok a nap in the car and then at 8pm we went in and i got cold so i took Ag's hoodie and put it on. we  went in and one of the actors scared my as soon as we walked in. we went to a few hunted houses and i almost shit my pants every time. 

when we left one of the houses this guy came up and me and asked for my number. i said no thank you and he kept asking and Ag was getting pissed off. he asked why and i yelled I'm a lesbian. i haven't came out to Ag yet and she's gay to so i know she will be ok with it but its the fact I like her that scares me. she went from being mad to being vary surprised. the gay then yelled "ew get the fuck out you fag" and that set ag off. 

Ag: OK bubby get the fuck out of her face. if you have a problem with my girl then get away from us you little fuck. if you ever call me for her a fag i will beat your ass now get the HELL out of our way

G: d-damn ok chill the fuck out y'all are nasty for carpet licking. 

Ag: damn now i know why your homophobic because we can get girls but you cant with your little 5'2 dirty ass self. now leave her the fuck alone or you'll regret it bitch.

Ag is so hot when she yells at people she's so intimidating, towering  over his 5'2 5'3 ass. he was only an inch or so taller than me and I'm 5'1. they ran away and she looked at me confused and i started sweating. 

Ag: so are you actually a lesbian or where you just trying to get them away?

Y: both....

Ag: why did you tell me? or did you just find out?

Y: can we go to the car and talk about this? 

Ag: Ya

we got to the car and Ag held my hand seeing that i was tearing up. 

Ag: rigth now, tell me anything you want or need to ok? 


Y: bad or good stuff first. 

Ag: bad. 

Y: ok ok, um so I've started cutting aging and my eating distorted is coming back 20 times worse and I've thought about ending it. 

Ag: omg, I'm so sorry i didn't know or do anything. 

she started sobbing and i felt bad so i started crying to. 

Y: and the good stuff is i found out that I'm a lesbian when i realized i like you 6 months ago. 

Ag: omg w-wait really? she said in between sniffles and wiping her tears. 

Y: yea-

i was cut off by her kissing me and it was vary passionate and lasted what felt like forever but really was just  like 20 sec's but it was amazing. 

Y: Mary AnnaGrace McDaniel will you be my girlfriend? (i did not know her first name is actually Mary, i was so shocked her middle name is annagrace and not her first)   

Ag's: YES yes i love you so much! and never call me by my first name ever 

we sat there and hugged each other and we went home and we are living together right now because their house is getting redone because they had a mold shit  going on but they said we are going to be building a house for all of us to live in together. but we get home and she asked me to show her my cuts so i did and she started crying and just said ok. we watched a move and then in a steamy part of the movie she got on top of me and kissed me and we got a little freaky and i got a little loud but i didn't care. 

*next morning* 

we went down stairs and our moms looked at us and said they need to talk to us. and they said they heard us last nights at asked me in i was gay and i said yes they knew Ag was. we told them that we are dating and they where fully supportive and said they just didn't want to hear us every night. then the hard stuff came up and we had to tell them about my problems. i have to go to therapy every week instead of once a month now and they was me to go to a out patient for my anorexia. witch i was fine with all this because I want to get better and live so i can spend the rest of my life with Ag. after that we got ice cream and spent the day with our moms and got our nails done and went shopping. 

word count: 1384

remember you are loved <3


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