Chapter 01

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It was during break time and the sounds of laughter filled the entire classroom as I laughed and joked around with my group of friends.

"AHAHAHA oh my gosh! Gen! What are you doing!" laughed Becca and others at me doing a silly dance I learned from my cousins a few days ago.

We continued laughing and chatting for several minutes until we heard a disapproval sigh from beside me.

"Tsk annoying." said the boy beside me who I forgot was there all along. My head snapped to the side glaring at him as soon as I heard him.

"Excuse me?"

A disapproving shake of his head is all I got before he gathered his books, got up, and left the classroom. I stared at him in disbelief. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Urgh this guys has issues." claimed Elleana, another close frind of mine.

"OMG I know right?" Becca exclaimed.

"And like no offense but he's kinda chubby..." Elleana ratted on.

Why was he so mad? Why is he always so grumpy? What did I even do to him?

"Ummm hellooo? Earth to Gen?" Becca asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"HAHA nothing. What were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Oh we were just talking about the camp that'll be coming up soon!! And I can't wait!! Right Jack?" Fiona asked. I looked towards the group of people that were surrounding me, Becca, Elleana, Jack, Liam, Benjamin, Lucas, Jackson, and a few other girls who were just here for the guy they like who's probably one on the guys that was in my group.

I stare at the empty seat beside me. Was it because he was feeling left out? Or was it too noisy? Where could he have gone to? Thousands of questions circled in my mind.

"Hey Genevieve, um where do you usually go after school?" someone asked.

"Huh?" hearing my name, I turn towards the source of the voice. It was Jackson. "Oh um I don't know, home?" Then I realized that we were to close, too close for our own good and I feel my face heat up. How long has he been there?

"Oh um great."


"HAHA holy moly! You saw that right?" Becca exclaimed excitedly. Unintentionally breaking the awkwardness between me and him. I then took the chance to leave the group as it was getting too noisy for my liking.

As I left the classroom, walked towards the backyard, where no one usually goes to.


I see him.

The boy who left his seat.

The geek who I never thought would change my life forever.

Tyler Ransford.


Heyy hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! And thanks for reading!! Hope you stay tuned for the rest of the story!! <3

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