Drama, Drama, Toil and Drama!

Start from the beginning

"That is a private matter, Peijing." Po answered calmly, "Why don't you tell us how you came to be here on such short notice."

"Well, when Papa heard that The Captain Li Shang was staying here with you he insisted I make the journey to see to our dear friend's comfort." Peijing simpered.

"As you can see, Peijing, our guests are perfectly comfortable." Mei ground out.

"Yes, Papa certainly spares no expense when it comes to hosting our friends and family. Perhaps you would like a tour of the grounds, Shang? They are quite expansive and ever so beautiful!"

"I thank you Lin Peijing, but Jing Hai was already kind enough to show me around. It is quite a beautiful home. Your father is a generous man." Shang answered cordially.

"Oh, Shang. There's no need for such formality between us! You must call me Peijing. We are childhood friends, afterall."

And therein lay the dig. Now Mulan could see Peijing's endgame. She was trying to undermine Mulan by making her sound like a loose woman seeking attention anyway she could. Meanwhile Peijing was setting herself up as the well-off childhood friend who had a deep, meaningful relationship with Shang. Her maneuvering really was masterfully done. She had even made it sound like she and her father were the reason Shang was there in the first place!

Mulan's thoughts were interrupted when someone gently took her hand in theirs. Glancing down, she found a large, masculine hand enveloping hers. Following the arm attached to it, she found herself staring up at Shang. He gave her a tiny, barely there wink before calmly returning his attention to his food.

For the rest of the meal, Mulan had a hard time focusing on anything other than the hand wrapped around hers. At one point, Shang began to absently rub his thumb across her knuckles as he spoke. It was such a naturally affectionate gesture it surprised her. She didn't really hear another word that was spoken, for which she was grateful. Peijing had definitely begun to get on her nerves.

"...perhaps you and Mulan could join us. Would you like to go?" Hearing her name, Mulan looked up at Shang before seeing Mei looking at her expectantly.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?" She asked, trying hard not to blush as Shang squeezed her hand, chuckling quietly to himself.

"Jing Hai and I need to visit to the village to pick up some herbs they've been collecting for us. Would you and Shang like to come with us? We can show you around." Mei repeated with a knowing look.

"Oh, I'm sure Mulan will still be much too tired for such an excursion, since she's still recovering from her 'injury'. Perhaps I can join with Shang. It's been so long since I've seen Anquan." Peijing quickly inserted, sending what was supposed to be a sympathetic look Mulan's way. It just came across as an adolescent pout.

"No, I would love to go." Mulan answered firmly, causing Peijing's pout to deepen.

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In the end it was decided that they would all go. So after lunch the whole group, save Ai, were found in the courtyard. Yao, Po and Ling wanted to ride so they were mounted on horses when Peijing made her late appearance. Upon seeing horses, she insisted that her carriage be brought out; throwing up quite the fuss among the stablehands as they rushed to hitch up the horses. Only once it was completely ready and Peijing was being handed up into it by Ming Jiang, did Mei announce that since it was such a beautiful day and it wasn't that far a distance she, Jing Hai, Shang and Mulan had decided to walk there. Peijing had no choice but to leave them behind since she had made such a big deal about using her carriage in the first place.

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