a Baby's blooming (NSFW WARNING[OG made 9/18/20])

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Narrator : get ready to fap I guess(9/28/2020: Gonna edit this to make Moonflower not OOC)

Fume-shroom's POV

"Honey bun, do you wanna use one of those things called umm, condoms?" I asked not knowing if she wanted to be a mom. I've always wanted to be a parent, even if I heard it takes responsibility. "Sweetie I only wanted to do this for one of those orgasm things, and see if they feel good, and to have a baby." She said. I didn't put the condom on. We stripped each others  clothes off.  I really didn't expect her to have a big pussy. "Your pussy is kinda big y'know" I said holdin' my magic mushrooms. "S-sorry Sweetie." She apologized. "Honey bun, that's a good thing. For this." I told her. She then noticed my cock. She smiled and licked the tip of it slowly. "Honey bun can you do it faster?~" I whispered. She then licked it faster "I-I'm cumming" I moaned as I cummed on her face. She licked it off her face. "C-can you anal me?" She asked.

Moonflower's POV

He let me sit on his penis. I loved it. It felt so deep. I don't know why but, it tickles. I orgasmed so hard that I moaned. I gave my Sweetie a orgasm too. He cummed all over my butt and I got tired and fell. His penis felt so deep. Deeper then it was before. "S-shower?" I asked him. "Yeah." he said looking tired. "But let me wash this." he continued. "Let's do it together." I told him.

Narrator: After putting the sheets in the washer.

 Moonflower's POV

"Honey bun, what do think our kid will be?" my Sweetie asked me. "I really don't know, but what should we name it?" I asked. "Shadow-shroom if it's a mushroom, or Twilily if it's a flower." he answered. "Your hair looks pretty when it's sudsy." He told me. "Thanks. People don't really say that to me.". After that we dried up. Coincidentally and conveniently, the bed sheets were finished and we could sleep.  

Narattor: 2 weeks later.

Moonflower's POV

I feel cramps so I put my pad on. It's been 3 hours and there's still no blood. There stuff on my vagina. So my Sweetie rushed me to the hospital.


(Cancelled, disowned and cringeworthy)Newborn secrets (A PvZ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now