Is It Easier To Stay? Is It Easier To Go?

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My head was pounding and my back hurt.

Groggily, I rubbed sleep from my eyes, blinking at the bright light filtering in from the curtains. I took in the blue and yellows of Heather's apartment and my heart sank. Staring at the ceiling above me, I tried to convince myself I was having a friendly sleepover with my closest friend and that everything was fine.

"Here," Heather said, making me jump. She forced two pills into one hand and a glass of water into the other. "I'm glad you're awake so you can tell that crusty boyfriend of yours to leave you alone. I told him you were with me after he called for the thousandth time last night. Although, I did hang up before I could hear his response."

I took the pills, swallowing thickly. "I should have told him where I was going."

"Um, no. He would have followed you and dragged you back home like a dog."

"He was worried."

"He's controlling and insane."

I sigh, knowing it's a lost cause. Heather has been wanting me to leave him since the second I met him.

"He's not that bad."

She blinked, looking at me like I was insanee. "Babes, he wants you to be a pretty little housewife. A trophy that he shows off to his friends. If you don't do what he says, he explodes."

"He kind of had a reason to yesterday."

"What happened? You never did tell me why it warranted a night out."

"I didn't do the dishes or cook dinner." I run my hands down my face. "I was home all day so I should have done it."

She narrows her eyes. "What were you doing all day?"

"Writing," I shrug. "I made a breakthrough with one of my characters and I wanted to keep going so I didn't lose momentum."

"He got mad?"

I run my hands through my short hair, tugging it slightly. "Heather, it's not that big of a deal."

"You made a breakthrough, of course that's a big deal."


Her eyes filled with pity and I looked away. I knew Bradley had his flaws, but he was thinking practically. He always told me one of us had to if I was going to pursue a career in writing.

My phone buzzed breaking the silence. Knowing it was Bradley, I answered the phone.

"Hello? Kimber? Are you there?"

"Hello?" I cursed my voice for sounding shaky.

"Are you kidding me? Hello? That's all you have to say?" I heard him sigh heavily. I could imagine him rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "I can't believe you. You just disappeared. Didn't even tell me where you were going."

"I needed some air." I avoid Heather's eyes.

"Was there not enough air in the apartment? What do you mean you needed air?"

I bit the inside of my lip and swallowed harshly, trying to hold back the knot in my throat. "You upset me and I just-I needed to get away. I planned to come back last night but-."

"I upset you? Seriously? You made a mess of the apartment and just sat around all day. I worked all day, exhausting myself, and expected to come home to food my beautiful girlfriend cooked. Instead, you're sat on your-."

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